it's an error of the 1.8 version. since 1.9 it should be solved. it's connected to valitys bitter coast, do you use that? you find the information in the readme of the texture fix.
No, I use Vurts BC mod, and I'm using 2.0 of Texture Fix.
Always update to the last version of a mod. Well almost always (e.g.: Impressive Chargen v1.25 has a bug v1.24 has not).
Texture Fix v2.0 is up, as of now!
I just noticed one problem with Immersive Chargen when it loads before Go to Jail, there's a gap in between the building at the bottom of the stairs. Idk if that's the bug you mean.
Tears in the land occur when the height of the land in one exterior celll is at a different level to that in an adjoining exterior cell so the two pieces of land do not join together correctly. In this particular instance the land in west gash cell -2 -1 is lower at the point of the split than the level of the land which is in Balmora -2 -2 the latter being 1 of 5 exterior cells included in Balmora Ragoxified.
I see, that makes sense now. shows how big the cell is.Because the default land was loaded in the construction set when BR was made it is the default land with all its flaws that was imported into the mod. If using BR in its current form , the yellow circle marks the area changed in BR , the red circles indicate where you can expect to find texture seams and the green circles indicate where you will find the games default lo-rez earth texture which needs to be painted over as it looks rubbish alongside texture replacers.In addition there are another 4 exterior cells which put the games default flaws back in over the rest of Balmora
I tried deleting all the landscape data from BR and found that with Texture Fix installed the land looks fine as it is, To avoid getting the default flawed land imported into the mod i had Texture Fix loaded in the construction set alongside BR then i reshaped the land in the Northwest corner to allow access to the ancestral tomb and painted a little scrub slightly east of the silt rider as trees growing out of cobblestones doesn't look good, I haven't play-tested it properly myself but if you give it a test drive hopefully BR will be tearless and seamless.
Thanks, I tried it out and haven't seen any problems so far. Now I'm trying to do the same with other mods that alter the landscape. So far done with New Seyda Neen.