How viable is 2h/Heavy Armor-Warrior on Expert wihout Craft-

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:55 pm

Hey guys.

Simply question. I currently finished my first play through as unseen Archer roflstomping anything from the shadows with my bow and, ofcoure, it wasn′t any challenge.

No I′m planning to make a 2h Warrior in Heavy Armor with Restoration, Alteration (Alteration mainly for the ArmorBuff, Transmute and RP-Wise) as Mainskills. I want to skill Smith and perhaps Enchanting, but just "by the way", aka not powerleveling.

Is the Char viable on Expert, not Master, Difficulty or is Crafting-Abuse a Must? I want to take down a single enemy or maybe two without much Quickloading and Running around/Healing. healing afterwards would be okay. And how does the Char stand against dragons?

What are your experiences? Did you enjoy the 2h Warrior on Expert (Master)?

Thx guys for your thoughts. :)
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:10 am

*bump* Help, pls! :)
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Lakyn Ellery
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:29 pm

Yes it is perfectly viable and fun. I'm playing one atm.

Try to get some specialty items early on, they help alot. (the +70stam mask and +50 stam absorb mace)
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:44 pm

What is your definition of 'abuse'?

I made a 2h warrior recently and I am using smithing and enchanting but lvling them 'naturally', basically not grinding them, and never waiting 48 hours for vendors to restock iron ore or whatever. I'm lvl 20 using Dwarven gear and I think I'll smith up to Orcish soon. My enchanting is lvl 45 or something.

The game feels properly challenging on master. Lone bandits are easy, packs of bandits are hard, Draugr deathlords are super hard. Normal dragons are actually pretty easy but I think it's because they made normal Dragons pushovers, I expect Elder Dragons to be a challenge.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:43 am

I have a lvl 15 2 hand using Nord and he is fun to play(expert difficulty). So far I feel the playstyle is very viable
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Robert Devlin
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:39 am

My main character is a heavy-armored two-handed wielding Nord and he is by far my favorite (over my mage and standard warrior, though I'm yet to play a theif/assassin) though with my nord i went pure warrior and didnt use any magic (except enchanting) instead relying on bought/found potions. I played on expert and in the beginning it was a challenge but its definitely doable. I would say i didnt abuse smithing or any other skill, and now that i'm level 45 and finally obtained 100 smithing i've created a set of dragonbone plate armor and with my enchanted ancient nord greatsword i'm unstoppable.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:00 pm

I'm doing one atm, and I run down everything, Very fun, but it's difficult if you don't pay close attention. I abuse smithing but I haven't used it for anything useful yet. I'm pretty much just stock piling skill levels until I can get Dragon Armor. I also don't use magic. Pure melee. Go axe btw, Bleed damage is awesome :wink:
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:45 am

The 2h Warrior would be my third Character so far in Skyrim, and I′ve noticed that they all start pretty nice (lvl 1-10) and then the game gets much more challenging, e.g. they run into serious problems in the area from 11-20, lets say. Then it is easy again when the better Perks get available and you have some decent (found) Resistance-gear.

However, where′s the 2h Warrior in this 11-20 lvl - area? Does he experience serious drawbacks? One thing I at any cost DON′T want to do is spamming potions (that′s outdated diablo2-gamestyle in my opinion).
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Luna Lovegood
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:54 am

Im playing on master difficulty and as soon as i got 4-5 perks in block i could pretty much kill anything easily besides dragons,most dragons can still kill me in two hits with 380 armor rating and 260 health, im level 17 in this game at the moment.

i installed the new skyrim script extender and the mod that removes the level cap so i keep on leveling.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:08 am

What is your definition of 'abuse'?

I made a 2h warrior recently and I am using smithing and enchanting but lvling them 'naturally', basically not grinding them, and never waiting 48 hours for vendors to restock iron ore or whatever. I'm lvl 20 using Dwarven gear and I think I'll smith up to Orcish soon. My enchanting is lvl 45 or something.

The game feels properly challenging on master. Lone bandits are easy, packs of bandits are hard, Draugr deathlords are super hard. Normal dragons are actually pretty easy but I think it's because they made normal Dragons pushovers, I expect Elder Dragons to be a challenge.

Cause smithing and enchanting together even with medium skill will cause you to regret it later on when even on master few enemies is challenging.

I recomend doing smithing but just take the perk to upgrade magic weapons then stop. That way you can upgrade some of the new gear you get but not to legendary.
Thats what im doing on my new playthrough.

I recomend 2h and light armor myself for stamina reg.

Im going archer now with 2h as backup with no secondaries. Alot of fun.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:47 pm

However, where′s the 2h Warrior in this 11-20 lvl - area? Does he experience serious drawbacks? One thing I at any cost DON′T want to do is spamming potions (that′s outdated diablo2-gamestyle in my opinion).

My 2h warrior was totally fine from lvl 11-20. I smithed Steel armor and upgraded my steel weapons, then made Dwarven stuff around lvl 15 or so (still using at lvl 20). I use my healing spells a lot but don't use potions very much. This is on master. I enchanted my gear also with low lvl enchants (lvl 40ish enchanting).
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:54 am

My 2h warrior was totally fine from lvl 11-20. I smithed Steel armor and upgraded my steel weapons, then made Dwarven stuff around lvl 15 or so (still using at lvl 20). I use my healing spells a lot but don't use potions very much. This is on master. I enchanted my gear also with low lvl enchants (lvl 40ish enchanting).

Since I plan to play my 2h Warrior on Expert, this sounds fine to me. Thx so far.

Would yo guys even recommend Perks in Block (only the Perks that don′t require a Shield)? I assume Blocking without a Shield is not a good tradeoff, but the BASH!!-Perks (right site of the tree) are pretty good, would yo agree?
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Jack Walker
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:17 am

Right now Im a level 25 Orc who has only Smithed until the Steel level. I have not touched enchanting except to disenchant something. As well, I have only used Alchemy for basic health potions. I am finding it very well balanced and it makes me want to explore more because of the treasures I can find. I have an enchanted Dwemer sword that I found a while ago (level-wise) and am still using it because it is just that good.
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