» Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:13 am
Firstly let me point out the platform you are on is important to knowing what is fixed. Because console manufacturers Sony and Microsoft charge money for game patches and that all game patches have to be tested by the manufacturer for quality control this significantly slows down the speed and frequency of console patches.
PC owners can download and install patches as often as the developer wants with no additional cost.
Unfortunately the advantage of PC owners is also the disadvantage...people with PC's can do almost anything with their computer and often the owners do, installing all kinds of rubbish, fiddling with their settings, installing third party mods that are not properly coded and generaly fumbling about upsetting the fine balance of their system which has an effect on games in different ways from improving them to ruining them. Then on top of this you add on to massive diversity of PC systems and software that can be combined, video cards, sound cards, motherboards, Ram, Monitor, Keyboard and mouse, Speakers, Controllers, Modem, Firewall, Anti Virus, Spyware scanners, Instant messaging software, auto updater software, Flash, Java, then add on all the driver updates for all these combinations and its a wonder a game can be designed for PC's at all.
I think some people have legitamte problems and I also think you are far more likely to see those problems complained about after the games launch than anything else because the happy people simply keep playing. I also think people don't know how to maintain their systems properly, they want to do whatever they feel like and they think they can get away with doing that all the time....often over estimating their own knowledge and understanding of what they are doing. When something goes wrong it is therfore automaticaly somebody elses fault because they know what they are doing and can't possibly be causing the problem.
If you are a PC gamer you really should know to have several saves in different slots for EVERY game you play and to update them reguarly in a staggered fashion. If you get a corrupt save you just load a previous save and can usualy recover within an hours gameplay if you save reguarly from either a quicksave, auto save or a backup save.
Fallout New Vegas is slightly less polished then it could have been, and there are one or two minor flaws but overall the fact that some people are having no trouble suggests the problems are not all down to the game as in fact some are down to the users systems.