My Dilema #1 marksman:
I looooooved the marksman in oblivion, i litterally made 7 marksmans all lvl 46-48 (on ps3). So natually, i made one on skyrim the night of launch (on pc / got the pc preorder), and within 2 hours playing, i just couldnt get use to how different it was. Now im very good with swapping between ps3/pc so the obvious difference can be negated in this issue. To me the marksman just seems, odd. Odd in a way that i just cant get use to it / use the class like i did on oblivion. I think its the movement with the bow itself thats throwing me off. Its not the "not being able to kite like in oblivion" cuz i never had to kite cuz everything died in one shot cuz of my max stealth / marksman bonus's. It dont seem right and its bothering me. So i made a dual-magic weilding mage, which leads me to my next dilema!
My Dilema #2: dual magic weilding
I currently have a dual weild mage at lvl 28, all mage and theives guild stuff done and almost all dark brotherhood stuff done. Ive been using the channeled "flames" ability with the channeled "healing" ability the entire time, just nuking on the run and healing my self at the same time. Ive only died once and that was near the end of the thieves guild quest where i got horded by falken or whatever they are called. What my question is, is that its fun playing like that, but was wondering if the other elements are actually better, ie: ice or lighting channeled abilites. A chennled ability thats most effective when leveled all the way up. (my destructions currently at 52 --- have 1 of 2 points in increased fire damage (( will that 2nd point make that big of difference in damage)
I like the channeled flames ability cuz it hardley uses mana and u never have to worry about [censored] CONSTANTLY dodging yur damn fireballs at the last second (and before you know it, you've hit them twice for 30% of their health and yur outta damn mana <_< ) the way my toons setup right now i can hold the flames channeled ability and healing channeled ability at the saem time for about 2-3 minutes before i run outta mana)
My Dilema #3 one handed / dual wielding weapons
I havnt tried it yet, but is dual wielding one handed good in this game? can u spam both mouse buttons (left/right click) at same time and attack with both weapons at same time? or is there an internal cooldown between when u can attack again? Im just curious as to how fast/effective dual wielding actually is / vs single weilding a one handed weapon and having a healing spell in the other.
My Dilema #4 keybinds
i like to stick with two abilites cuz for whatever reason, i cant get anything to go to my favorites so i can quick select them. So to change abilites i have to manually go through the magic menu every damn time. I wish keys wernt hard coded so i could macro anything i wanted to any key (like my MMO's i play). I have G510 gaming keyboard with 18 macro keys on it and it cant use any of them. and i have my g500 mouse, which all those macros seem to work fine. i cant use the number pad for any hotkeys either and its irritating. Its also irritating that i cant keybind the "take all" "activate" "drop" keys to what i want to be..