» Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:05 pm
Mojave outpost and Novac have the most C4 on hand, but it's pretty expensive to stock up on a lot of it.
It can be useful though, when I was doing Return to Sender I was too low level and didn't have good enough armor to take out the van graffs in a straight up fight (especially since I've modded energy weapons to be more powerful) and they slaughtered me when I tried to fight them in the store. So instead I snuck up to the door and dropped a couple C4 charges beside the guard, then backed off and killed the door guard with my trail carbine and pulled out the detonator.
A few seconds later, 4 van graff guards piled out of the store at the same time, a few seconds after that it was raining van graff thugs and disembodied limbs B)
Only 1 guard plus the twins were left when I went back in, easy pickings for me and Cass.