I am at a point in the game, around level 20, where Gun Runners seems to now have most if not all of their inventory available for sale. I did some limited testing on the Gun Runner guards and still not sure if any of the new guns offer me much above what I have.
I currently have:
Sniper, w/silencer
Trail Carbine, no mods
Cow Boy Repeater, w/full mods
Assault Carbon, w/ext mag
Guns skill at 99
The Trail Carbon is my weapon of choice for medium to close quarters when I do not need the power of the Sniper and the CBR is there for the small stuff. The Assault Carbon is for lightly armored targets and cause I loved the unique Chinese AR from FO3. I wish there were more assault rifles in FONV with full auto.
Is the anti-material just a more powerful but slower firing sniper type? It seems like it and I do not think I need this yet. I am pretty sure I can take down Deathclaws with just the sniper with AP ammo.
The Brush Gun and Marksman Carbon seem redundant to what I have and I am not sure there is reason to upgrade. I guess the Marksman Carbon could replace my CBR--much better sights. Is the Brush better than the Trail Carbon? DAM and DPS are not the only factors as range and accuracy are equally if not more important. In my limited testing, the Brush Gun at med to close distance did not seem much better than the Trail Carbine and inferior to the Sniper.
Thanks for any advice you can give me.