Does this seem strange, or is it just me? Also, I heard (from an unreliable source) that there is something in the games code that hints at craftable arrows. I wouldn't expect something like that in an update, but maybe DLC? What do you guys think?
Add me to the list of the disappointed. Like Nubius said, seeing as how arrows are hardly scarce, I'd really like to see arrow crafting in. It would give us another use for firewood.
I just find it disappointing that there's all these ingots in the game and once you have already crafted your favorite armor and weapons, there's nothing else to do with them but sell them. If you could make arrows, you would always have a use for ingots because you don't get all your arrows back after shooting them.
Crafting arrows would be nice for the sole purpose of making Daedric arrows. I’ve only found a set of 10 once while dungeon diving. If I have the bow, I might as well have the matching arrows to go with it.
I think it's so you can't make loads of good arrows. I think when they said arrows were scarce they meant good ones. Iron and steel are everywhere though.
Really would of been nice to instead of hunting down ebony arrows in every dungeon in the game just to get some ore and make that stuff, only thing I am really mad about is how you cant make anything with dragonbones/scales but armor why dont we get swords or the other stuff every other set gets. :sadvaultboy:
Crafting arrows would be nice for the sole purpose of making Daedric arrows. I’ve only found a set of 10 once while dungeon diving. If I have the bow, I might as well have the matching arrows to go with it.
Lucky you. I'm a level 44 and I haven't found a single daedric arrow. I've been using ebony throughout my adventures. Ebony is awesome, especially when using
ebony mail
to match. It's a real shame that we can't craft the damned things.
yes i was disappointed that i couldnt make arrows, esp if you were playing a bosmer or any serious ranger/hunter class out there. also should be able to melt down weapons and armors to reuse the materials.
the game still got alot of improvements needed to be done.