Finally had enough of Skyrim

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:59 am

Yes, this guy can simply NOT use the helpful HUD and map markers. I personally like the dialogue and hints you get. I actually bothered to read the Story of the Red Eagle to get info on the sword and the secrets there and didn't just use the map, even though the map told me where to go if I wanted. You can also NOT activate the quest and there won't be a marker on the map.

This guy is just a whiner imho =)

Yeah i paid 60 bucks, spent a ton of time watching the development of Skyrim, was excited out of my mind for it, then i got the game and stopped playing it because i wanted to whine... right. I WANT to love the game, but i can't. The elder scrolls series matters to me, which is why this topic to me is important.
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Jordan Moreno
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:06 am

I agree to the extent that it can kind of "baby" you a bit.

I miss having to wringe out pieces of information on locations of where I'm supposed to go. I mean, Yes, he does say "they were stolen, and here is where they are", but in the same sense I kind of wish they were a bit more challenging. Like, ask around town to see if a Ranger or Conjurer has delved the deeps and knows of the group that has taken the book.

I've turned off the hovering quest marker. The compass is still there, will probably turn that off in the .ini file later. This way, I will at least have to look at the map and say "OK, Urglag He-Who-Is-Crap-With-Directions needs me to go to an area SE of Riften"

I wonder if we can make the "locations" icons on the compass turn up really late. I really feel stupid "knowing" there is a cave half a mile away, especially if i didn't see the friggin entrance.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:11 pm

If they don't tell me where a missing item is, I put it on my "keep an eye out for it during my travels" list. I understand that you want to follow a chain of hints, but really it's entirely realistic would have no idea where something is currently located.
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Austin England
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:51 pm

I'm sorry that your life is so hard. Would you like some ice-cream? I'd mark the location on your map, but you'd just pretend to not want it after that.

Look, every time I come to these forums exited about the release of a new title -or just basking in the awesome of a current one- all I see is complaining. There is no fan-base I've ever seen that is this finicky about every little [censored] detail. I've been lost in Skyrim's beautiful, incomparably living world for 28 hours now. I've veered off the path into woods and up snowy trails to encounter wonders and horrors the likes of which I've never seen in any other game.

I tried in vain to stop the broad-daylight assassination of a market-stall clerk. I crept through the eerie mists of a Falmer lair, genuinely tense for what I'd meet, having never seen one. I used ancient words of power to thrust a troll against a wall so that I could sprint out of its cave, hoping on the edge of my seat that it wouldn't catch up to me. I escaped prison. I defended my home-city from a rebel attack.

I brought a dragon barreling to the ground to skid hard across the open plains, came up toe-to-toe with it, bashed its snout with my shield and breathed fire right back in its [censored] face.

Every little step i've taken into this masterpiece so far has been deep, well-thought, and unrelentingly epic. The amount of work that had to have gone into it is staggering, and to see someone get butthurt over not having to ask around to find a book is more than a little irritating. Get over yourself and open your eyes to the blindingly excellent, ever-shifting, ever-breathing moving-picture that Bethesda has crafted here.

That is because most other forums are full of [censored] that can't form simple sentences or good arguments. Most of these people flame, troll, and harass anyone who complains about said game. Also,most of those people can't stand the thought of their game having problems, and defend it from arguments that could win over the jury of a court, using the ideals of "It's awesome because it's . They also complain about every other game similar to it with "This game svcks because it's not .

Go to and go to any FPS. I guarantee that there will be many previews/reviews that say "This game will svck/svcks because it isn't COD." There's also those who post stuff that makes them look like they have a good argument when they don't.

Take this example:

I have never seen a game so UNREALISTIC in my life. The aim system is horrible and sloppy and NOT realistic. This game makes me puke, to think it has higher rating than MW3 when its trash and not gonna make it very far. People are always putting bad idea's in the heads of the programmer's saying their garbage ideas are good when in reality they aren't (unbiasedly). Play a real shooter like MW3 that isn't pathetic and doesent have horrible matchmaking and everything else. FYI all people who said MW3 and BF3 laggy you need to learn at launch games are always a little laggy with a million people online.

Now imagine if people came on these forums and started comparing Skyrim to Fable 3. Imagine if everyone defended Skyrim even if it svcked. The Elder Scrolls series would have died long ago.

Also, if you hate that everyone complains on the forums, then why are you still here? I find it sad that you get so butthurt over people pointing out things that are wrong in your game. I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong here, but with out complaints video games wouldn't be what they are today.

Did you like Oblivion? Do you like Skyrim more than Oblivion? Well if nobody complained about Oblivion, Skyrim wouldn't be what it is now.


Now, the reason the OP was complaining in the first place was that, even if you pay attention to what the NPC says to you, they won't give you enough detail. Obviously, some of the people here, most of which are saying, "Just turn off the compass markers, problem solved," and, "You aren't paying attention to what the NPCs are saying," are not paying attention to what the people whom give good examples and arguments are saying.

People such as EasyWrite, Deitri, TheBigBoss, ope, doewnskitty, Theseus, vaati, Longknife, cmatian, and Anhur (this list can go on and on) have practically spelled out the entire issue, yet most of the people still haven't got the point. Anyone who asked if they need to hold the OP's hand through the game has not gotten thpoint either.

The point is that OldFashionedGuy DOESN'T want anyone to hold his hand, but the game ESSENTIALLY REQUIRES the map marker to be used.

Lets say that there is only one quest in Skyrim, which is given right after the game's intro. You're told to find a specific item, a unique daggger, which is in a Nordic Ruin. You have no compass marker, and NOTHING is marked on the map. No destinations, no towns, no caves, nothing. When you speak to any NPC all they tell you is the name of the Ruin, nothing else. Is the ruin possible to find? Yes. Will it take awhile? Yes. Will it be a challenge? Hell yes. Will it be a challenge that is also fun? Most likely not.

This single quest would take forever without any markers, as you would have to travel to every inch of Skyrim, and search every goddamned ruin from top to bottom and every. single. room.
If you had every location on your map, and the icon on the compass were there, it would be a little easier, as you wouldn't have to search every inch of the providence.
If you had the quest marker, it would take about a single hour, as you would just have to walk to the ruin and fight through it to get to the item. With fast traveling, it would take mere minutes.

It all boils down to choosing between having to search every pixel of the game for a single quest, or having the game point out where everything is. There. Is. No. In. Between.
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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:07 am

Yes, it's TOTALLY "immersion breaking" to point something out on your map. Ya know, when you pull up to a guy asking where is the post office, and you have a map of the town, he will point to where it is.

Nice comparison, because when you take a quest to find some bandits in the middle of nowhere and the quest giver marks on your map the correctly places is exactly the same thing as a guy pointing out where the post office is...facepalm.

EDIT: nothinglord finished the subject...if you can't understand after his post then I'm done.
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Chase McAbee
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:11 pm

you know you can turn off quest markers by deselecting the quest

Thanks Captain Obvious. Or would you be Captain Oblivious?

If you want "realism" just pretend your map and compass have been imbued with clairvoyance. Problem solved...

When did OldFashionedGuy say he wanted realism? Also, having a 3D GoogleNirn map on a piece of paper that is now imbedded with magic is quite realistic. If he wanted realism, he could use a real map and write everything down in a real journal, although that would only say, "Orc asked me to find a book. He said he marked the location on my map, but he must've been lying, as my map is still blank."

There are plenty of quests that do that exact thing, and plenty of quests that compass markers give you no indication of how you actually need to complete the quest.

Your argument is wrong, plain and simple. There is plenty of complexity in quests in this game. They removed the tedium of not knowing where to find a quest location, and actually implemented puzzles and other obstacles that you must overcome.

The quests where you have to talk to many NPCs are part of the quest. As in you have to talk to that specific NPC for a specific bit of info.


Also here's a challenge. There is a cave somewhere in Canada. It's located in a mountain near the Bow River valley. Find out where the general area is using google earth, then tell me the name of the cave. Cannot use the internet except for google earth or any other satellite map system.
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sam westover
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:26 am

That is because most other forums are full of [censored] that can't form simple sentences or good arguments. Most of these people flame, troll, and harass anyone who complains about said game. Also,most of those people can't stand the thought of their game having problems, and defend it from arguments that could win over the jury of a court, using the ideals of "It's awesome because it's . They also complain about every other game similar to it with "This game svcks because it's not .

Go to and go to any FPS. I guarantee that there will be many previews/reviews that say "This game will svck/svcks because it isn't COD." There's also those who post stuff that makes them look like they have a good argument when they don't.

Take this example:

Now imagine if people came on these forums and started comparing Skyrim to Fable 3. Imagine if everyone defended Skyrim even if it svcked. The Elder Scrolls series would have died long ago.

Also, if you hate that everyone complains on the forums, then why are you still here? I find it sad that you get so butthurt over people pointing out things that are wrong in your game. I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong here, but with out complaints video games wouldn't be what they are today.

Did you like Oblivion? Do you like Skyrim more than Oblivion? Well if nobody complained about Oblivion, Skyrim wouldn't be what it is now.

I somehow doubt that the complaints against Oblivion here on the forums guided Bethesda's hand more than its actual reviews. In fact, I seriously doubt that anything said on these boards has ever translated into an in-house decision, or even the consideration of a decision by the developer. The small percentage of fans bored on the internet is in no way special.

This forum is nothing more than a place to chill out and discuss the game. If it were a real place, what would be the point of coming if you disliked it so much that you weren't going to play it anymore? If everyone here were sitting in a room, over drinks, calmly chatting about what they like, dislike, or are confounded about, and somebody bursts in with soiled shorts and tears in their eyes clutching a copy of Morrowind to their chest (the OP), sobbing about having to use a compass to find an Orc's books (go ahead, picture it), how would you respond? Would you agree, and run from the room holding their hand? Or point out that they have no reason to be here and ask them to leave?
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kat no x
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:14 pm

I'm getting a headache reading many of the replies here. Alot of people are totally missing the point of what the author of this thread is making. I'm not going to try and re-explain it because it's being missed big time.

I have to agree with the author of the thread in that the quests have been dumbed down alot. There's no challenge for your mind here. When you activate the quests you just go to where the arrow points, kill something there, and then return to where you were to claim a reward (the arrow of course points you back to where you started). And need to activate many of the quests in the game in order to set the quest in action. I'm to the point where I dont even bother reading the quest details as it's not necessary. I miss the days of Morrowind or Daggerfall where I actually jotted down notes in a notepad by my side to accomplish the quest.

The reward is so much sweeter when you have to work to complete a quest....not just go from point A to point B CoD style.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:08 pm

So i am in the mages college at Winterhold, i talk to the orc librarian, he sends me on a quest to finds texts he is looking for for the library, i make the quest active and voila! the map marker points me directly to a point west of Riften, no research, no real quest, just tells me EXACTLY where to find said "rare" texts.

nuff said.

How is this a deal breaker?
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:44 am

How is this a deal breaker?

Because it removes all immersion in the game, he is told exactly where to go and there is a huge arrow pointing to the exact spot.

The game might as well teleport you there and back.
Fair enough he can turn of the compass and arrow
But in older games , the devs actually spent some time rather than rushing things , making it so you had to ask around people in the world around you look for clues and actually use your brain to figure it out.
It became interesting, now if it was possible to turn of the arrow and do that once again the op may be happy but it doesn’t, it breaks immersion and its pretty lame.

Not exacly a quest when there is no questing involved.

Compare a microwave meal to a 4 course meal not the same.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:08 pm

Because it removes all immersion in the game, he is told exactly where to go and there is a huge arrow pointing to the exact spot.

The game might as well teleport you there and back.
Fair enough he can turn of the compass and arrow
But in older games , the devs actually spent some time rather than rushing things , making it so you had to ask around people in the world around you look for clues and actually use your brain to figure it out.
It became interesting, now if it was possible to turn of the arrow and do that once again the op may be happy but it doesn’t, it breaks immersion and its pretty lame.

Compare a microwave meal to a 4 course dinner not the same.

So just don't make it an active quest?
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Jordan Moreno
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:27 am

So just don't make it an active quest?

Your obviously missing the point! it has very little to do with making it active or not.

Even if you dont activate the horrible arrow, there is no way to research the poissible location.

Older games you could go round villages asking around and finding clues to fulfil your objective. This has all been lost from the game.
It is not possible. you cannot ask any one about it quiz them or ask if they have heard any roumours about your quest or know any thing,

It’s not a quest at all it’s a dumbed down go fetch from a to b not a traditional quest as such.

So no making it active or not makes no difference.

Sorry I can’t make it any clearer for you.
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Julia Schwalbe
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:57 pm

Weell if you wanna waste your time looking for things so badly, do the Stones of Barenziah quest.
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Theodore Walling
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:52 am

Weell if you wanna waste your time looking for things so badly, do the Stones of Barenziah quest.

Already done it thanks.

glad you think doing quests are a waste of time to, so why you play a TES game any way?
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:41 pm

Already done it thanks.

glad you think doing quests are a waste of time to, so why you play a TES game any way?

You misunderstand me.

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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:20 pm

I was surprised at the feature but it has not ruined my enjoyment of the game.
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Matthew Warren
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:34 am

I am glad some people actually understood the point of this thread, it has been stated many times that i cannot find clues to most quests if i turn off my quest arrow.

It is pretty sad that the Fargoth quest at the start of morrowind has 5 journal entries, each longer than a main quest entry in the Skyrim journal. Just goes to prove my point.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:01 am

Good job on missing all the clues they give you.

Many of them even mark the location on your map if you haven't heard of it yet nor have been there.

They tell you enough information, you're just missing it and not putting 2 and 2 together.

Just as a lot of others are failing to do in this thread.

You have my sympathies.

Whats the difference of marking it on map and quest marker which shows location? I guess only one who fails here is you..
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:40 pm

Yeah there's a little too much hand holding, but whatever. Not going to cry about it.

It's half the reason I got the PC version anyway. Mods will fix just about everything that I dislike in the vanilla version.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:51 pm

I'm getting a headache reading many of the replies here. Alot of people are totally missing the point of what the author of this thread is making. I'm not going to try and re-explain it because it's being missed big time.

I have to agree with the author of the thread in that the quests have been dumbed down alot. There's no challenge for your mind here. When you activate the quests you just go to where the arrow points, kill something there, and then return to where you were to claim a reward (the arrow of course points you back to where you started). And need to activate many of the quests in the game in order to set the quest in action. I'm to the point where I dont even bother reading the quest details as it's not necessary. I miss the days of Morrowind or Daggerfall where I actually jotted down notes in a notepad by my side to accomplish the quest.

The reward is so much sweeter when you have to work to complete a quest....not just go from point A to point B CoD style.

No wonder they had to dumb down the game, many of the posters here don't even understand what OP means. Its soooo sad.

Edit: Instead of A to B quests, id prefer OP opinion with A to B then B suggests C might know something, but C didn't so you go back to A to present the sad news. He then says you might find info at D. D has some books that you can read to find out you final goal is E. And no im not talking about quest stages but simply that this work to solve one stage. Now you just follow an arrow then to the next to the next to the next to the next. If you wonder what kind of quests OP means, its quests like the ruined painting in Chorrol (tes oblivion).
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