Parameter #2 ->
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:6000EE58]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of ZARemove100 "100 gold" [DIAL:60002BFA]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "DIAL"
Above errors were found in :[60] za_bankmod.esp
Type ->
Above errors were found in :RDAT - Data Header
Above errors were found in :Region Data Entry
Above errors were found in :Region Data Entries
Above errors were found in :JOG01Island1 [REGN:5A006396]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "REGN"
Script effect -> [02013C7B]
Above errors were found in :SCIT - Script effect data
Above errors were found in :Script effect
Above errors were found in :Effect
Above errors were found in :Effects
Above errors were found in :JOG01T04brandy "Ancient Dagoth Brandy" [ALCH:5A017B1C]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "ALCH"
Above errors were found in :[5A] thievery.esp
FranLLF0QuestWeaponLev10Dagger [REFR:3C000D04] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of FortSutchExterior02 [CELL:0000A7FE] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at -47,3)) -> Missing required members: Base, Position/Rotation
Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of FortSutchExterior02 [CELL:0000A7FE] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at -47,3)
Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of FortSutchExterior02 [CELL:0000A7FE] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at -47,3)
Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Sub-Block 0, -6
FranLLF0QuestWeaponLev16Dagger [REFR:3C000D05] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:0000A7BC] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at -49,5)) -> Missing required members: Base, Position/Rotation
Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:0000A7BC] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at -49,5)
Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of [CELL:0000A7BC] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at -49,5)
Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Sub-Block 0, -7
Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Block 0, -2
Above errors were found in :GRUP World Children of Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "WRLD"
Above errors were found in :[4E] Sutch Reborn Spawn Patch.esp
Location -> Target is not persistent
Above errors were found in
LDT - Location
Above errors were found in :aaaSenetEatSR [PACK:4D04721F]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "PACK"
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4D0382FB]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of ABContractstay "Stay here" [DIAL:4D0382FA]
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4D0382F9]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of ABFollowcontract "Follow" [DIAL:4D0382F8]
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4D0382F6]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of ABBUYCONTRACT "Hire for a 1000 Gold" [DIAL:4D0382F5]
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4D03754D]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of GREETING "GREETING" [DIAL:000000C8]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "DIAL"
[ROAD:4D04E8E1] -> Missing required members: Points, Point-to-Point Connections (complex structure can't be represented, see source)
Above errors were found in :GRUP World Children of aaaLostGroundForKaotINSutch "Kato: Inner Palace District" [WRLD:4D04C6AA]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "WRLD"
Above errors were found in :[4D] (DC) Sutch Reborn.esp
NAME - Base -> [01059E81]
Above errors were found in :[REFR:4C007128] (places [01059E81] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of tbeTrainingCenterEntrance "Cyrodiil Training Center: Entrance" [CELL:4C000ED9])
Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of tbeTrainingCenterEntrance "Cyrodiil Training Center: Entrance" [CELL:4C000ED9]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of tbeTrainingCenterEntrance "Cyrodiil Training Center: Entrance" [CELL:4C000ED9]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 0
Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 1
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "CELL"
Item -> [01059E53]
Above errors were found in :CNTO - Item
Above errors were found in :Items
Above errors were found in :tbeCleaningStaff "Cleaning Staff" [NPC_:4C00AE62]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "NPC_"
Above errors were found in :[4C] Cyrodiil Training Center.esp
Parameter #2 ->
Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4B00327C]
Parameter #2 ->
Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4B003287]
Parameter #2 ->
Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4B003288]
Parameter #2 ->
Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4B003289]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of GREETING "GREETING" [DIAL:000000C8]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "DIAL"
Above errors were found in :[4B] BHC_Expanded.esp
Parameter #2 ->
Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4B00327C]
Parameter #2 ->
Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4B003287]
Parameter #2 ->
Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4B003288]
Parameter #2 ->
Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4B003289]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of GREETING "GREETING" [DIAL:000000C8]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "DIAL"
Above errors were found in :[4B] BHC_Expanded.esp
LL0LootArmorLight5Elven100 [LVLI:00032D73] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL0LootArmorHeavy4Orcish100 [LVLI:00032D5A] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL0LootWeapon5Elven100 [LVLI:0002B5F9] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL2LootStaff100 [LVLI:000979F7] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "LVLI"
SELL1GnarlManiaLvl100 [LVLC:00041006] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
SELL1GnarlDementiaLvl100 [LVLC:00041005] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditWizard25 [LVLC:0003DC5B] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditWizard50 [LVLC:0003DC5A] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditWizard75 [LVLC:0003DC59] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditMissile25 [LVLC:00036004] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditMissile50 [LVLC:00036002] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditMissile75 [LVLC:00036001] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditMelee25 [LVLC:00034089] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditMelee50 [LVLC:00034088] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditMelee75 [LVLC:00034087] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditWizard100 [LVLC:0003407E] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditMissile100 [LVLC:0003407C] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditMelee100 [LVLC:0003407B] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
SELL1GnarlManiaLvlBoss100 [LVLC:00012027] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
SELL1GnarlDementiaLvlBoss100 [LVLC:00012026] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
SELL1GnarlDementia100 [LVLC:00012021] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
SELL1GnarlMania100 [LVLC:00012020] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSGuests [LVLC:44016C26] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSWildernessBandits10 [LVLC:44005C02] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSWildernessBandits9 [LVLC:44005C01] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSWildernessBandits8 [LVLC:44005C00] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSWildernessBandits7 [LVLC:44005BFF] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSWildernessBandits6 [LVLC:44005BFE] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSWildernessBandits5 [LVLC:44005BFD] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSWildernessBandits4 [LVLC:44005BFC] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSWildernessBandits3 [LVLC:44005BFB] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSWildernessBandits2 [LVLC:44005BFA] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSWildernessBandits [LVLC:44005BF9] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSDementiaWildCamps [LVLC:44005397] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSDementiaRoadCamps [LVLC:44005396] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSManiaWildCamps [LVLC:44005395] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSManiaRoadCamps [LVLC:44005394] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL2WildernessBanditCaves50 [LVLC:0011CAA1] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditCampMagic [LVLC:0009404B] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditCampMissile [LVLC:0009404A] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditCampMelee [LVLC:00094049] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "LVLC"
Above errors were found in :[44] TIE.esp
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:6000EE58]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of ZARemove100 "100 gold" [DIAL:60002BFA]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "DIAL"
Above errors were found in :[60] za_bankmod.esp
Type ->
Above errors were found in :RDAT - Data Header
Above errors were found in :Region Data Entry
Above errors were found in :Region Data Entries
Above errors were found in :JOG01Island1 [REGN:5A006396]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "REGN"
Script effect -> [02013C7B]
Above errors were found in :SCIT - Script effect data
Above errors were found in :Script effect
Above errors were found in :Effect
Above errors were found in :Effects
Above errors were found in :JOG01T04brandy "Ancient Dagoth Brandy" [ALCH:5A017B1C]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "ALCH"
Above errors were found in :[5A] thievery.esp
FranLLF0QuestWeaponLev10Dagger [REFR:3C000D04] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of FortSutchExterior02 [CELL:0000A7FE] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at -47,3)) -> Missing required members: Base, Position/Rotation
Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of FortSutchExterior02 [CELL:0000A7FE] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at -47,3)
Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of FortSutchExterior02 [CELL:0000A7FE] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at -47,3)
Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Sub-Block 0, -6
FranLLF0QuestWeaponLev16Dagger [REFR:3C000D05] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:0000A7BC] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at -49,5)) -> Missing required members: Base, Position/Rotation
Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:0000A7BC] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at -49,5)
Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of [CELL:0000A7BC] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at -49,5)
Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Sub-Block 0, -7
Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Block 0, -2
Above errors were found in :GRUP World Children of Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "WRLD"
Above errors were found in :[4E] Sutch Reborn Spawn Patch.esp
Location -> Target is not persistent
Above errors were found in

Above errors were found in :aaaSenetEatSR [PACK:4D04721F]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "PACK"
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4D0382FB]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of ABContractstay "Stay here" [DIAL:4D0382FA]
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4D0382F9]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of ABFollowcontract "Follow" [DIAL:4D0382F8]
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4D0382F6]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of ABBUYCONTRACT "Hire for a 1000 Gold" [DIAL:4D0382F5]
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4D03754D]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of GREETING "GREETING" [DIAL:000000C8]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "DIAL"
[ROAD:4D04E8E1] -> Missing required members: Points, Point-to-Point Connections (complex structure can't be represented, see source)
Above errors were found in :GRUP World Children of aaaLostGroundForKaotINSutch "Kato: Inner Palace District" [WRLD:4D04C6AA]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "WRLD"
Above errors were found in :[4D] (DC) Sutch Reborn.esp
NAME - Base -> [01059E81]
Above errors were found in :[REFR:4C007128] (places [01059E81]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of tbeTrainingCenterEntrance "Cyrodiil Training Center: Entrance" [CELL:4C000ED9]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of tbeTrainingCenterEntrance "Cyrodiil Training Center: Entrance" [CELL:4C000ED9]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 0
Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 1
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "CELL"
Item -> [01059E53]
Above errors were found in :CNTO - Item
Above errors were found in :Items
Above errors were found in :tbeCleaningStaff "Cleaning Staff" [NPC_:4C00AE62]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "NPC_"
Above errors were found in :[4C] Cyrodiil Training Center.esp
Parameter #2 ->
Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4B00327C]
Parameter #2 ->
Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4B003287]
Parameter #2 ->
Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4B003288]
Parameter #2 ->
Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4B003289]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of GREETING "GREETING" [DIAL:000000C8]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "DIAL"
Above errors were found in :[4B] BHC_Expanded.esp
Parameter #2 ->
Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4B00327C]
Parameter #2 ->
Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4B003287]
Parameter #2 ->
Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4B003288]
Parameter #2 ->
Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4B003289]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of GREETING "GREETING" [DIAL:000000C8]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "DIAL"
Above errors were found in :[4B] BHC_Expanded.esp
LL0LootArmorLight5Elven100 [LVLI:00032D73] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL0LootArmorHeavy4Orcish100 [LVLI:00032D5A] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL0LootWeapon5Elven100 [LVLI:0002B5F9] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL2LootStaff100 [LVLI:000979F7] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "LVLI"
SELL1GnarlManiaLvl100 [LVLC:00041006] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
SELL1GnarlDementiaLvl100 [LVLC:00041005] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditWizard25 [LVLC:0003DC5B] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditWizard50 [LVLC:0003DC5A] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditWizard75 [LVLC:0003DC59] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditMissile25 [LVLC:00036004] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditMissile50 [LVLC:00036002] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditMissile75 [LVLC:00036001] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditMelee25 [LVLC:00034089] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditMelee50 [LVLC:00034088] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditMelee75 [LVLC:00034087] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditWizard100 [LVLC:0003407E] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditMissile100 [LVLC:0003407C] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditMelee100 [LVLC:0003407B] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
SELL1GnarlManiaLvlBoss100 [LVLC:00012027] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
SELL1GnarlDementiaLvlBoss100 [LVLC:00012026] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
SELL1GnarlDementia100 [LVLC:00012021] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
SELL1GnarlMania100 [LVLC:00012020] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSGuests [LVLC:44016C26] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSWildernessBandits10 [LVLC:44005C02] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSWildernessBandits9 [LVLC:44005C01] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSWildernessBandits8 [LVLC:44005C00] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSWildernessBandits7 [LVLC:44005BFF] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSWildernessBandits6 [LVLC:44005BFE] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSWildernessBandits5 [LVLC:44005BFD] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSWildernessBandits4 [LVLC:44005BFC] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSWildernessBandits3 [LVLC:44005BFB] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSWildernessBandits2 [LVLC:44005BFA] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSWildernessBandits [LVLC:44005BF9] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSDementiaWildCamps [LVLC:44005397] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSDementiaRoadCamps [LVLC:44005396] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSManiaWildCamps [LVLC:44005395] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSManiaRoadCamps [LVLC:44005394] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL2WildernessBanditCaves50 [LVLC:0011CAA1] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditCampMagic [LVLC:0009404B] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditCampMissile [LVLC:0009404A] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditCampMelee [LVLC:00094049] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "LVLC"
Above errors were found in :[44] TIE.esp
Are these things normal for some mods and I can ignore them? FO3Edit manual doesn't go into detail, searching TES4Edit "Check for Errors" is the same.