I have an issue which you maybe able to assit me with.
I recently started the quest in riften to steal the horse named Frost. My issue is that when I stole her I began riding her to the guy who instructed me to steal the horse. unfortuantly a tattered woman was randomly running in the wilderness asking for help. As i am a decent citizen i decided to dismount the horse and ask her if she was ok. she informed me she is now that i have arrived and added a quest to killed the bandits that imprisoned her. i agreed and then was promptly attacked by a sabre cat, after adequetly dealing with this inconvieniance i turned to hop on the horse and continue however the horse had ran off. The issue is that the horse is no where to be seen and i cannot finish the quest until i bring him the ([censored]) horse. i have checked the lodge but no sign. is there a set destination she will run to or am i doomed to ever search the expansive wilderness crying out her name?
"Frost" *he crys in a wavering voice*
P.S, I am playing on PS3.