My second question is regarding Stealth. Namely, how the hell do you make it work? Reading these forums, I see people claiming that Stealth is super OP and breaks the game. HOW? I'm currently at 55 Sneak, all Perks that I could get for it, wearing Light Armor (full Glass set). I can't sneak up to an enemy with his back turned (I'm even walking as slow as I can) without being detected before getting into melee range. And that's just the best case scenario, most enemies won't considerately turn their backs on me and will detect me if I come within 20 feet of them. Now, I'm getting decent mileage out of Sneak attacking with my Bow, but that 15X Dagger damage perk is just sitting there, totally useless. Do I need to max it out and get maxed out Muffle enchants before melee sneak attacks become an option or what?