» Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:41 pm
Using a weapon is not monk like, what you are thinking of is a paladin. A paladin uses fears vs undead, healing, protection, 1h/shield OR 2h and heavy armor. Use steel and plate heavy armor that is enchanted, use alteration magic for extra defense and anti spells, use restoration to heal up and turn undead (I think). If you use high end armor you won't look like a paladin at all so I'd advise using plate armor with alteration magic for extra protection and getting really good with a shield/1h. As for the 1h, mace or sword fits.
For a real monk, take alteration for protection, restoration for healing you AND ALLIES, speachcraft to skip some unnecessary combat, and smithing/enchanting. Smithing and enchanting is key, as a monk you will not be fighting but healing your companion/merc/housecarl. Give him the best armor, enchants and whatever you can make so that he can do the killing for you.
I'm planning on doing this as my 4th playthrough (first was nord 1h/shield or dual wield warrior, second is khajiit thief/assassin, third is unknown race dark caster [destro, conjur, illusion], and the last will be a completely nonlethal monk relying on companions). I'm going to keep my 4th character with 0 kills, beast or humaniod... and finish not only the main game, but the civil war and daedric quests.