Skyrim and Dark Souls

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:05 pm

I'm loving Skyrim and have over 100 hours into it and I've heard Dark Souls is similiar, anyone played that? is it as amazing as Skyrim?
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Oscar Vazquez
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:42 pm

You heard wrong. They have nothing in common. But dark souls is good.
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Sherry Speakman
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:47 pm

Dark Souls is fun to play.

Skyrim is fun to explore.
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James Hate
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:08 pm

It is completely different IMO but if you have the money to get and have the patience to play, I'd highly recommend. Skyrim and Darksouls are my 2 favourite games of this year without doubt. :thumbsup:
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Helen Quill
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:35 pm

It is completely different IMO but if you have the money to get and have the patience to play, I'd highly recommend. Skyrim and Darksouls are my 2 favourite games of this year without doubt. :thumbsup:

I 100% agree and couldn't have said it better myself. Dark Souls is amazing. I could sit here and type out 50 paragraphs of how awesome it is.. but I'll spare you that. :rolleyes:
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Taylor Thompson
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:13 pm

I 100% agree and couldn't have said it better myself. Dark Souls is amazing. I could sit here and type out 50 paragraphs of how awesome it is.. but I'll spare you that. :rolleyes:

Please don't spare us.
I'm really interested in reading about what Beth could learn from Dark Souls.
Namely, combat wise, which could be borrowed?
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Heather M
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:46 pm

Skyrim is a treat, Dark Souls is a challenge.

Both are amazing.
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Rhiannon Jones
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:27 am

No PC version of Dark Souls? Meh.
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Christine Pane
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:44 pm

Dark Souls. Will smash you too the ground and laugh at your broken, burning body and you'll beg for more.......

Seriously though they are two very different games both woth playing
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James Hate
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:10 pm

Skyrim is fun and immersive. Dark Souls is fun.

DkS can be challenging if your an impatient fool, otherwise its just a fun game.
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gemma king
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:12 pm

No PC version of Dark Souls? Meh.

Pretty much my sentiments. Honestly, even if it did come out for PC at some point it doesn't seem like my cup of tea.
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Bad News Rogers
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:39 am

Dark Souls wouldn't work well on the pc. You really need to make use of the controller's joysticks pressure-sensitive movement. Keyboards is either slow walk or full speed. That'd get you killed so fast in Dark Souls.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:25 pm

Please don't spare us.
I'm really interested in reading about what Beth could learn from Dark Souls.
Namely, combat wise, which could be borrowed?

Well biggest difference is Dark Souls has a lock on enemy feature which makes combat feel more realistic as you step toe to toe with enemies and hits feel like they are connecting better. Without locking on, combat is pretty wild much like TES. Infact Skyrim has the better combat with out the lock on feature.

Enemies also counter a lot more and look for openings to hit you and when they do, they hit hard and in rapid succession so even a common undead enemy can kill you easily if your not careful. .. Don't even talk to me about some of the bosses. :lol:

Dark souls combat is basically learning, adapting and then being very careful to get past near enough every fight in game.

It beats Skyrim hands down in strategy but then Skyrim beats DS in other areas. They are completely different games but both equally amazing.. Well nearly, Skyrim still clinches it. :wink_smile:
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Kim Kay
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:38 am

If Dark Souls is anything like Demons Souls then omg it's going to eat my tears. Demon Souls was the most challenging game I've ever played, well atleast from the start, it was completely unforgiving and you had better learn to play fast or you paid for it dearly. I still remember biting down on the controller trying to eat it when I lost over 700k souls. T_T
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:50 am

Is dark souls as hard ninja gaiden? (the old one)
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:41 am

Dark Souls is much more difficult. But its also got a bigger scale.

The only issue with it is that there are a few rare occasions in the game where the difficulty switches from challenging to cheap. But its rare.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:18 pm

The thing I love about Dark Souls is that if you don't want to get hit.. you don't have to. The combat is fluid and exciting and takes more skill and patience to master than any other game (that I've played, anyway). In the end though.. if you're good.. you can clear an entire area without taking damage. You have to pay close (and I mean close) attention to the enemies movement and patterns. Unlike Bethesdas sort of games where to melee enemies you need to get close which makes them able to smack you a bit too, in Dark Souls you can parry or block at proper times or dodge before they hit you. The boss fights are ... epic.. and difficult.

For those on the PS3/Xbox (I don't know if Dark Souls is out for the PC?), you can also play online with others. It's not the sort of "drop in/drop out" multiplayer that you'd get from Borderlands/Dead Islands or games like that. It's a unique system that they call "Summoning", where you put down a sign on the ground that glows and appears in other players worlds. If they pass by that area they can see it and activate it to summon you, or you can do the same to others. They'll stay by your side fighting with you until they either get killed or you clear the areas boss. You get rewards for helping them kill monsters and the areas boss (not item rewards.. but the games currency rewards). You can also put down messages that appear in other players worlds to either assist, trick, or scare them. There's also a few more neat aspects of player to player interaction, most of it indirectly.. all to make you feel like you're not alone and that there's others going through the same trials as you.

Downsides: You can't do any party chatting (or whatever the equivalent is on PS3). However.. you can private chat on the xbox to talk to a buddy while you play. It's also a bit difficult to play together with a friend, so I wouldn't get the game just to play it with someone else. It IS a very difficult game and the learning curve is pretty steep, if you don't have the patience to play and learn you won't make it to the end (a lot of people return the game because they can't handle it).

The game will test your skills as a gamer. There is no difficulty setting, everyone goes through the same challenges (love that). You -will- get frustrated, guaranteed, but don't give up and you'll get the most accomplished feeling from a game you can possibly get! I'm sure I'm missing stuff, but if you want to know more you can ask about specific things and I can try telling you what I know of it.
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des lynam
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:21 pm

You heard wrong. They have nothing in common. But dark souls is good.

This. It's a completely different experience, but certainly one worth having!
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Mari martnez Martinez
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:26 pm

I'm loving Skyrim and have over 100 hours into it and I've heard Dark Souls is similiar, anyone played that? is it as amazing as Skyrim?

I have played Dark Souls, alot. They are very different. Dark Souls is also fairly open, but there is alot less hand holding then in skyrim.
But, there are no quests or people you come across, hardly. Just a few.
What Dark Souls is, is a masochistic adventure where you will die and die again and smile doing it.
There is no difficulty slider, but its one difficulty, and its insane.
There are easter eggs in the game that causes the game to be easier but recomend not picking these up.

Dark Souls is by far one of the best games I have played. The combat in Dark Souls have no comparison in any game, ever done.
Vs the lowest soldier you fight for your life even if you are 50 levels above them. Enemies in dark souls employ tactics, works together and do alot of damage.
Prepare to be 1 shotted, mutilated, chopped to pieaces and smashed into the ground.

Skyrim, is fantastic, with its story and open world, with its huge diversity and richness in environments.

They are 2 rpgs but are very different.
Dark Souls you mainly play for the combat and pure joy of the game. The quest is very long and very hard. Very hard.

A normal run through of Dark souls, on the first playthrough. Takes from 50 to 80 hours in average.
But thats the first playthrough. You can play the game 10 times. Each time it becomes more and more difficult.
Just the first nightmare, enemies are around 3 times as hard and gives 5 times more xp.

Again, you play dark souls for the pure enjoyment of thrilling, fantasticly well done and its deadly combat system. Above that, it have gorgeous graphics, amazing boss fights and a heap of feautures.
Thats why it have a metacritic of around 9-9.5:-)

PC gamers have no idea what they have missed since they did not get this game. Which is the only contender to Skyrim as RPG of the year.
Skyrim winning this title is definately NOT a sure thing, due to Dark Souls. Personally, I think Dark Souls will win RPG of the year. There was little hype, it just came out, and rocked a whole gaming community.
Its a master pieace just like Skyrim.

Love them both.
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jennie xhx
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:33 am

Dark Souls and Demon's Souls are purely challenge-based games. If you want to play for any depth of dialogue, plot, lore, or setting, it's the wrong game for you. The dialogue was likely written by a ten year old. Demon's Souls especially had some comically bad moments. But damn.... that combat is fun, and it's nice to see a game focus purely on the challenge.

In short, get both.
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