I bought FA:3 and loved it. I even tolerated the initial upsetting ending. I wasn't sure I would buy New Vegas, but ended up getting it on release day out of love the the game genre, and a majority of Bethesda's actions in game-making. But then, today, as I comb a wiki looking for information, I see a claim that the first DLC will be x-box exclusive. I am informed furtehr by going to the official website, that indeed as a PC user I am entirely left out of the chain of DLC existence. I am, albeit reluctantly, willing to pay for the extra content that will likely be made available one day, but to see that one specific platform is getting something makes me both very confused, and very very angry. I would have never bought New Vegas had I simply had the presence of mind to check a freaking news blog an HOUR before leaving to get it, I would have never been okay with buying into what feels like utter betrayal. The only way I can even wrap my head around this being okay was if the DLC was simply a patch to fix x-box related glitches, but even the greediest of companies isn't [censored] enough to try and charge for a freaking bug-fix.
What the hell is going on here? Is there some sort of secret intent to abandon PC gamers entirely? Will this be the last release bethesda gives to it's first, and most loyal fanbase? I've been buying their games since Elder Scrolls 3, I've payed for them ALL. Am I being given the finger? Surely Bethesda is not trying to imply what I infer?