I'm looking for what seems like it should be a simple UI mod: I have 100 Armorer. This means I can never fail, or break hammers. Therefore, it seems like I should be presented with a "Repair All" button on the Armorer window to instantly repair everything to 125. I mean, why should I wear out my mouse buttons clicking dozens of times to repair stuff when there's no possibility I can fail? Anyone know of such a mod? Actually, more I think about it, there's no reason even at less than level one hundred such a button couldn't be presented to the user - the only difference being that maybe it only repairs some of your stuff before you run out of hammers. That is, the script could just run through your inventory list, top to bottom, automatically attempting to repair stuff till either there's no more items to repair, or you have no hammers left. Then, it could just tell you how many hammers broke.