Did you alter your FOV? Because I didn't (though I was thinking of doing it).
I've fiddled about with it but I'm perpetually unhappy with the results so I always end up back at the default. I prefer the
look of a narrower FoV, at least in some regards, but not being able to see very much either side is inconvenient.
I don't recall oblivion being off either but I can't recall. I do remember it was at least correct for taller characters. I remember my altmer definitely looking down on any other race.
Oblivion was definitely off for my character, though it seemed to vary by how much, which was odd. Possibly one of the mods was doing something with it, though I seem to recall the default setting was a bit high for me so it's hard to say. There seemed to be a little more height variation with characters from what I recall, though, so that may be a factor; or at least it was more obvious, somehow. Anyway, I seem to be getting rather OT...