Was working on a quest line and lost track of Lydia. I can only presume at this point that she's dead but I'm still curious... Has anyone else run into something like this?
Well, I may be the master of losing my companions! Most of the time it is because I shot them in the back during a battle. My aim is not that good in the fury of the moment. I always reloaded and was a little more careful the next time around. Now, that's not losing them, thats killing them.
But, there have been occasions where I would turn around to see if the companion was still with me only to find they had gotten lost. Sometimes they would reappear after taking some circuitous route to get back to me. Other times it was, as mentioned here, that they were stuck somewhere. Then it is backtracking to try and locate them.
Saves are great! Unless you play dead-is-dead.