so i ask you, what could have been done or could still be done (possible DLC) to make either these better?
here is my idea anyway.
Vampires should have seven stages and you start off in the middle with the three below being starvation and the three above being about feeding, each one would have advantages and disadvantages. starving yourself will be the same in skyrim except the powers will be the same as shouts (you can use them as many times as you want but it needs to recharge) some but not everyone will be hostile to you, i actually agree with the powers you get from starvation because since the vampire is now exposed he or she would need to develop new powers to stay hidden so they can feed, so basically they are very adaptive. As for the feeding, the more you feed and maintain it the more bonuses you get in brawls, some magic, melee weapons, running speed and jumping ability, perhaps the disadvantage of becoming more powerful by feeding is sun damage or weakness/damage from certain holy ground like stendarr and even silver weapons. so feeding will make you more physically powerful but weaker to holy ground, silver weapons and perhaps sunlight (not daylight) and starving will make you more stealthy with more survival based powers but with the weaknesses that is all ready there. Vamp faces should be included as well, so when pressing the button for vampire sight it will also change your face, maybe similar to that of a dark elf, so now you can see in the dark but you will expose yourself as a vampire.
Volkihar Vampires should be able to use frost magic at a less cost too and higher damage, which could come at the cost of fire being more expensive.
stage 3
stage 2
stage 1 feeding regurarly will give new skill bonuses and make the vampire faster and jump log distances.
stage 0: this how you start.
stage 1 this and the stages below will should be the same as what it currently is in the game but with the powers being rechargeable rather than once a day.
stage 2
stage 3
as for the werewolf, the only thing i would like to see improved is that you can feed on anything and not just humans.
petitions are banned but that doesn't mean we can't say what we would have like to see our vamps and werewolves being like and perhaps we can hope for a decent dlc with these kind of things in it.
so what is your suggestions/ideas of a better vampire or werewolf?
i reposted this here to make sure its in the right topic as this would come under general rather than cheats and tips etc.