I am level 8, hanging out around Whiterun, and killed the first dragon easily at level 7.
The only real danger I felt was last level when I encountered a random Flame Antioch in the wilderness. Having pitiful bow skills, and I could not outrun/catch him. All the other quests are super easy. I have 1h, shield, heavy armor, restoration, smithing.
I bumped the difficulty to expert, but am thinking I need to go somewhere more challenging, tho I still have a bunch of side/quests in the area.
Is this build OP, or am I too high level for this area?
Play on Expert. Adept is a tad easy indeed.
1h+shield+smithing+heavy armor is going to be a tad too strong later.
Smithing in itself unless you rush it is still okish, but ensure you never touch enchanting together with smithing, cause you will ruin the game by making it too easy for yourself.
A mediocre skill in smithing wont disturb the balance too much, but rushing smithing to get dragon scale armor around lvl 20 and even on master most enemies wont be able to touch you until you are 30+.
1h+shield is a healthy way to play, you wont do too much damage. Which makes the fights more interesting.
You will probably need to bump up to master later for your sake as you will block alot and be able to sustain hard damage.
But I dont recoment master until you are 20+ Unless you are one of those that focus on enchanting, smithing together as melee. Just dont do that, for your own sake.
Enchanting anyway seems like a far off skill that personally I would say only mages should have access to.
Personally i would say that you should only be able to choose one of smithing or enchanting, but thats me. But we have a freedom of choice and if people want to make themself into gods thats allowed.
Personally I would, if I was you, go with light armor, since you have shield anyway. If you go for a heavy block build with counter attacks you dont really need heavy armor anyway, you will also move faster, can sprint faster and much longer, and get the stamina reg perk from light armor.
Thats just my recomendation.