Wow, where did you find the book at?
It′s in the Jorrvaskr, in one of the rooms. I think, it′s the one opposite to the front door.
I too am amazed at the depth of this game. I was just thinking about it, and I have probably spent more time just reading books in Skyrim than I put into most every other game I play. Insane amount of detail here! Just today I read a pretty twisted book about a young boy summoning a dremora. Some of the stories in these books could be flushed out into full novels. Now I have to go find that book in Whiterun!
Tragedy in black? Man, don′t tell me. I was all like "Oh yeah, lets read some fun and interesting books about Tamriels history!
"Boy wants to make his mother a present and gets his heart ripped out by a deadra"
When you′re in whiterun, be sure to check out "Alduin is real and he ent Akatosh" in the temple of Kynareth. Hilarity ensues. I think Bethesda is making fun of all the people here around the forums debating over that question.
I actually stopped collecting books yesterday, becasue I realized it would be stupid having them all in my inventory and then not read them. I found that many books are present multiple times, if I find a very precious book that might be unique, I collect it, but for the other books, I read them if interested, and then put them back. I think that I′ll read more books if I just read them while travelling when in the mood than by putting them all in my chest and having to read hundreds of books from ther later on.