It's the little things I really like

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:00 am

Another cool little detail I just found is that can lure enemies into their own traps. I got my sneaking up pretty high, and can now sneak past enemies and then lure them into their own demented traps. Watching boulders fall on their heads and crush them and the spiked walls slam them around is a blast!

I was having a hard time in one of the caves with a ton of enemies swarming me, so I just bolted through one of the those hallways with all the swinging blades, and then activated the switch on the other side. Luckily they were undead, so they weren't the brightest, but about 6 of them proceeded to get sliced up and slammed into the walls trying to get me. Good stuff!
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Samantha hulme
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:04 pm

Wow, where did you find the book at?

It′s in the Jorrvaskr, in one of the rooms. I think, it′s the one opposite to the front door.

I too am amazed at the depth of this game. I was just thinking about it, and I have probably spent more time just reading books in Skyrim than I put into most every other game I play. Insane amount of detail here! Just today I read a pretty twisted book about a young boy summoning a dremora. Some of the stories in these books could be flushed out into full novels. Now I have to go find that book in Whiterun!

Tragedy in black? Man, don′t tell me. I was all like "Oh yeah, lets read some fun and interesting books about Tamriels history!
"Boy wants to make his mother a present and gets his heart ripped out by a deadra"

When you′re in whiterun, be sure to check out "Alduin is real and he ent Akatosh" in the temple of Kynareth. Hilarity ensues. I think Bethesda is making fun of all the people here around the forums debating over that question.

I actually stopped collecting books yesterday, becasue I realized it would be stupid having them all in my inventory and then not read them. I found that many books are present multiple times, if I find a very precious book that might be unique, I collect it, but for the other books, I read them if interested, and then put them back. I think that I′ll read more books if I just read them while travelling when in the mood than by putting them all in my chest and having to read hundreds of books from ther later on.
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Jaki Birch
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:03 pm

A body was laying outside in a small town; someone whom I had previously dispatched on the outskirts and dragged back and placed nicely outside the inn's door. I went inside, had a couple pints of mead and had a good sleep. The next morning, upon leaving the inn, a guard was examining the body and asked me if I knew anything about what had happened. I proclaimed that I had no knowledge of how this body came to be placed neatly outside the door, and he accepted my tepid response and informed me to contact the lead guard if anything came to light.
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Roisan Sweeney
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:40 am

A body was laying outside in a small town; someone whom I had previously dispatched on the outskirts and dragged back and placed nicely outside the inn's door. I went inside, had a couple pints of mead and had a good sleep. The next morning, upon leaving the inn, a guard was examining the body and asked me if I knew anything about what had happened. I proclaimed that I had no knowledge of how this body came to be placed neatly outside the door, and he accepted my tepid response and informed me to contact the lead guard if anything came to light.

You can move the corpses? Never realized I could do this, except by shouting.
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Inol Wakhid
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:24 pm

Last night I went into Whiterun to sell off some loot. I ran up to the General Store and before I entered the shop I equipped my Volsung mask which promptly disrobed me. I thought for a second to maybe wear my adventuring robes so I wasn't naked but rejected the idea. Afterall, who notices that sort of thing in games like this, right? Ha! I entered the store, approached the counter in my dingy undies and voodoo mask and before I could talk to whatshisface he said something like, "Hey! What you wear at home is your business ....when you're at home!" I can't remember verbatim as I wasn't expecting it but needless to say I was shocked, delighted and a bit embarrassed. It was a wonderful surprise. I wonder if he gave me better prices... I may run around town in my underwear and see what happens, pay a visit to the Temple or the Jarls. ;)

As a side note, I found myself carrying "stolen" loot last night. I searched and found that directing your companion to loot a neutral chest that you have filled from your own inventory will cause that loot to become flagged as stolen. Not happy as that was convenient and quick but this isn't a complaint thread. Just a word to the wise. :)
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Tom Flanagan
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:38 pm

As a side note, I found myself carrying "stolen" loot last night. I searched and found that directing your companion to loot a neutral chest that you have filled from your own inventory will cause that loot to become flagged as stolen. Not happy as that was convenient and quick but this isn't a complaint thread. Just a word to the wise. :)

Well, they don′t care what you put inside a chest... As long as you don′t take any things from that chest! Taking stuff from chests that aren′t yours is a crime! The guards can′t be watching all those chests just to ensure you a fair looting experience! Criminal scum.

Last night I went into Whiterun to sell off some loot. I ran up to the General Store and before I entered the shop I equipped my Volsung mask which promptly disrobed me. I thought for a second to maybe wear my adventuring robes so I wasn't naked but rejected the idea. Afterall, who notices that sort of thing in games like this, right? Ha! I entered the store, approached the counter in my dingy undies and voodoo mask and before I could talk to whatshisface he said something like, "Hey! What you wear at home is your business ....when you're at home!" I can't remember verbatim as I wasn't expecting it but needless to say I was shocked, delighted and a bit embarrassed. It was a wonderful surprise. I wonder if he gave me better prices... I may run around town in my underwear and see what happens, pay a visit to the Temple or the Jarls.

Oh lol, win!

Reminds me of
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Iain Lamb
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:00 am

You can move the corpses? Never realized I could do this, except by shouting.

Yeah, you can move them by clicking on them with the stick (I think) if you have a gamepad, and holding it down and dragging them. Same way you move all other objects, although bodies are much heavier, and you can only drag them along the ground rather than pick them up and throw them around.

While we are on the topic of dead bodies, I was in Riften last night crafting some things at the forge when I heard a commotion. I spun around to see 3 thieves running like hell from a bunch of guards. They were quickly dispatched of by the guards, but not before the entire town looked like a giant pincushion with arrows littering the ground and sticking out of every wooden surface. I came back like three days later and found the bodies still there (this is probably why the PS3 is having slow down issues with the save size). The funny thing was, three of the townsfolk were all investigating one of the corpses at the same time, and got stuck in some weird animation loop. It looked like they were either worshiping the carcass, or warming their hands on an imaginary fire inside of him. Pretty funny glitch!
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Rachie Stout
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:31 am

Well, they don′t care what you put inside a chest... As long as you don′t take any things from that chest! Taking stuff from chests that aren′t yours is a crime! The guards can′t be watching all those chests just to ensure you a fair looting experience! Criminal scum.

Criminal scum! :o I'm referring to chests found within dungeons or hostile encampments, neutral chests or "unowned". If I'm in a dungeon and find myself overburdened with my haul, I can't transfer legitimately aquired items from my inventory to a chest and have my companion retrieve them without flagging those items as stolen. The only reason I did that is I'd already traded to Lydia's max capacity... :whistling: Okay, an exploit but I'm a skinny mage, the dungeon was long and there were just too many goodies. Oh, where art thou, Feather?
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Marguerite Dabrin
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:50 am

Oh god, "The Horrors of Castle Xyr"
This is sincerely the darkest ?hit I′ve ever read.
And I′ve been on the internet for a while.
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