I noticed some of the graphics issues on my Mac (blurred textures, mostly), but it runs smoothly and after a steady three or four hours of play, I've not had any problems whatsoever.
Also, I expressed some concern back in April about how the women would be represented in the game - socially and politically, as well as physically. I was impressed that Skyrim's society seems balanced and women are well-represented in leadership roles. Overall, I can live with the way they look. My only criticism is the way women run - the animation. I'll just say it doesn't seem realistic.
I do miss the face-generator, but only because I spent so much time learning how to make a decent face. Now that I'm good at it, it's gone.

I'm curious about how the perk system works. Does this replace skill increases? Sorry if this has been asked before.
Great job, Bethesda, and I'm thrilled with the game.