It would be wicked if we could do that though. I'd probably choose that little island north off Solitude, near the broken oar cave or whatever it's called Go have a look on a sunny day, the view is gorgeous. I'd chop wood all day all week to build my own little cabin and ride into Solitude once in a while to gather supply. Where would you wanna be?
Definitely in the hills by markarth overlooking the river that runs through the area. There's something about that place that's just awesome. I know what I'm doing when the creation kit is finally released
I haven't play much yet but I would like to live at Riverwood. It's nice small village with enough serices and when needed something what I can't get there it's not so far a away form bigger cities.
I would be "wroking at mill". Hod pays nicly for those firewoods. You can get 5 gold / firewood and you can chop quite nice ammount of firewood per day.
I wake up about half eight - eight am and Hod leave his house about 1.30 pm when he goes to work to the mill. When he arrives I get payed for those firewoods and I go to do some smithing works. Yes some of you can call this grindining or gold farming, but I would say that it's roleplayig. Hod's wife Gerdur who owns the mill is keeping to tell me how Riverwood is so small village, how everyone there are keeping care to each others and are working hard there so I just wan't to do my part while I'm staying there.
My buddy Faendal whose house I'm "camping" is helping me.
When I go forward and I change the view I might find better place but now it's Riverwood.
Definitely in the hills by markarth overlooking the river that runs through the area. There's something about that place that's just awesome. I know what I'm doing when the creation kit is finally released
Haven't paid much attention to that area but sounds nice, will defo visit. any chance you can post a screen shot
With my Dunmer, anywhere near Morrowind border, inside a cave or somewhere where nobody lives ... OR disable borders and make a house inside Morrowind...
With my Nord, an estate somewhere beautiful, haven't found a location yet...
It would be wicked if we could do that though. I'd probably choose that little island north off Solitude, near the broken oar cave or whatever it's called Go have a look on a sunny day, the view is gorgeous. I'd chop wood all day all week to build my own little cabin and ride into Solitude once in a while to gather supply. Where would you wanna be?
Just a simple house somewhere that it doesnt snow very much right outside of town
I already did, my brother, I got me a fresh decore for the 'new' DB sanctuary - (I had to choose to do it - if you get what I mean). And what a lovely place it is.
Between Ivarstead and riften, in those beautiful woods... When my character is don saving the world he will surely want to retire. There he will live with his wife and kids and sometimes go from city to city to visit old friends.
My Orc might like a small Dwemer ruin as a house, somewhere near either Whiterum, Solitude, or Sky Haven Temple, but Whiterun seems a good place to retire.
I would set up shop at the bottom of the giant waterfall north east of Whiterun. I am from Niagara Falls IRL so waterfalls are kind of my thing I guess.