To keep it reader-friendly just write in short what could be changed. Don't write things like 'the lockpicking should be like it is in Oblivion' or 'I don't like the setting'.
Those are creative choices for this game that will not be changed. Instead, if you come across things that just aren't quite right (in game elements that are clearly suposed to be there) write them down in two sentences max and try to be as concrete as possible. Keep it short, on topic and try to refrain from discussion. If you agree with a adjustment, quote it. If you don't agree, make a seperate thread for that or scream it towards the full moon.
It would be nice if this thread could be like a community testers thread. Let's make it happen! Oh, and Bethesda people reading this, I'm not trying to be a Mr. Know-it-all, I just really love the series! Normally I like a game, buy it and play it. Skyrim however also makes me want to be part of this community and be involved in it.
My three suggestions thus far are:
* When you own a horse, make it show up on your radar to know where it is.
* One of the archery skills is described as 'can draw a bow 30% faster'. This should be 'can draw an arrow 30% faster'. For that is what the skill does.
*Make the blue player marker on the map, stick to the foreground on the compass. It now often hides behind the white quest markers.