New leveling system..

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:03 pm

Now instead of having to choose perks based on what skill level you are for that skill. Maybe you could have a system where you gain the perks as you level the skill up. So it would be possible to make you perfect in all skills, with a lot of time put into training them.

I say this because I feel I have no incentive to use other skills if I don't perk them, with small exceptions to conjuration, restoration and illusion. Which don't really need perking to be effective.

On my character, I have most of the skills near the max now, as I have spent time training them, some were easy (pickpocketing) and some were more difficult (2h, because I never use it, had to use trainers).

Although I very much doubt they would be able/willing to change the system to this, I think it would be a better way to play.

I also think they should merge lockpicking and pickpocketing, due to the perks being quite useless IMO. They could then add one called athleticism maybe, just an example. They might have to shuffle the skills around (from mage, thief and warrior) to make them fit. But I don't really see the need for having skills named either warrior, mage or thief.

Just a thought, see what people think.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:55 am

Also sort out destruction magic, make it so all spells can become master, and they level up with the skill maybe. Sorting out the scaling damage problem with destruction would be nice to. You could remove the whole master adept system with magic all together, and have it so all spells level up with your skill.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:21 am

The only thing I want is some sort of way to reset all of my perks like 90% of all other RPG's out there. Maybe a DLC where you have to pay 10000 gold to do it or something of the like. Bethesda said they wanted your character to not feel restricted in this game like in previous elder scrolls games, yet they still dont have a way to reset your perks. Doesnt make much sense to me.
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:23 am

If you guys know Bethesda, then you also know that big changes like this will NEVER happen. They only fix bugs but would never change whole skills systems, ect.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:48 pm

Some members of the forum are absolutely convinced that the current system is the best imaginable one and you're mentally defective if you want something different. I think it's an excellent idea. It makes sense from every conceivable standpoint except the one where you blindly defend the status quo because it's the status quo.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:50 am

Well most of the people I've seen are complaining about any number of things ha. Either something's to weak or something's to strong. I just feel the system I proposed merits a longer play time for a single character, encouraging you to move on to a new combat skill when you maxed one.
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Sierra Ritsuka
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:47 pm

So most of the people who voted wanted a new system like this, it wouldn't be that hard to change IMO. You would leave the perks and their requirements, then change the perks that the character has depending on your skill. So if you had 60 one handed, but only had the first perk for one handed out of choice, that would change to you have all perks up to level 60.

They could also make it more difficult to level the skills up maybe, maybe remove lover, thief, warrior and mage stone as well as increase the xp needed to level up that skill.

Its very unlikely they would do this though unfortunately. But I would much prefer it like this :confused:
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:00 pm

The construction kit will come out. Then you can do what ever you want to the skill system. Telling us what you'ld have prefered Beth to do is really just you trying to say you could have done a better job. Armchair game design. You really have no idea what goes into make a game.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:15 am

You presuming that I think I could have done a better job is just your petty arrogance. I play on xbox, so I won't be able to change anything.

I was merely showing my opinion on the way the game plays, and how I would prefer it to be done, and most of the people who voted would prefer it as well.

You don't need to know how to create a game to have an opinion on how it could have worked, what I suggested isn't impossible at all. If you don't have anything useful to say, just pointless accusations that mean nothing, then don't say anything.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:43 am

I also think that Smithing, as a perk system NEEDS to be abolished. I need to gain a level and earn a perk JUST so I can smith elven/orcish etc armor? Why not allow me to craft/improve such armor as I level smithing? say I earn the aptitude to manipulate elven armor at what? 30 smithing skill? Have smithing of all kinds of armor at certain tiers so i can use crafting, or trying to craft them as the skillup process. Say, for iron, i'd need lvl 10 atleast. at lvl 0 i can make furs, but i can try to make iron stuff for possible skillups but being that im lower than lvl 10, my chances are very very slim. now as i get close to being level 10, say, level 8ish, i can make iron stuff but not at 100% rate... but i CAN make fur stuff at a higher quality.
This process would definitely add a good spin on Smithing and stop the iron dagger spam all the way to lvl 100 smithing >.<. Don't know how you gain higher skill off of making the same lower level item over and over and over again, and quite frankly, it IS broke. This process would also add an increasing difficulty to gaining higher levels... Can only imagine the loss of dragon bone/scales when attempting to craft dragon armor at lvl 90... but it would definitely be required to reach lvl 100, making it an experience all in its self. killing more dragons anyone? XD
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:20 am

I'd rather not have perks at all. If I get a skill to level 100 I should be able to use it to it's fullest extent reguardless of how many maxed out skills I may have on one and only one character as most would prefer.
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Arnold Wet
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:37 pm

If i could add one more perk tree, it would be one that made my character faster and more agile, give him the ability to dodge and evade blows, something more for melee in general.
And yeah, really can't say you have enough perk points to spend on things like lock picking,pick pocket and speech, they feel more or less like luxury trees, some of the perks are decent and seem fun but no way usefull enough to warrant spending a precious perk point in them.
That said, i'm really likeing the leveling system, only thing that bugs me is that things like lockpicking keeps leveling me, i mean, have you ever entered a dungeon and NOT picked a lock? Didn't think so, thinking of just skipping it since it's mostly [censored] in those chests anyway
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Heather Stewart
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:00 am

Now instead of having to choose perks based on what skill level you are for that skill. Maybe you could have a system where you gain the perks as you level the skill up. So it would be possible to make you perfect in all skills, with a lot of time put into training them.

No, the perking is the last customizable remnant of the RPG stat layer. Making it automatic would likely kill my interest in the game.

However, it's a single player game so you should play it as you wish, If you're on a pc, you can create a mod that does this OR , use console commands to grant yourself the perks you've earned.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:58 pm

Actually, I'd rather see:
  • Pickpocket merged with Sneak, since that makes more sense. I'd just make the entire skill a set of perks for Sneak
  • I'd buff Lockpicking by adding things like the ability to harvest components from traps and build your own mechanical traps
  • I'd add the ability to use disguises to the Speech skill so you can infiltrate enemy territories
  • To replace Pickpocket, I'd reintroduce Acrobatics, but include things like wall-running and climbing and other parkour stuff like Assassin's Creed

That might actually make thieves and rogues something to reckon with.

Of course it's all a pipe dream.
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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:53 pm

I think the current system allows more flexibility for individualizing characters. I wouldn't merge Lockpicking and Pickpocketing. Abolishing Smithing perks makes sense, provided you restrict craftable items in some way. Perhaps it could be dependent on your Smithing skill plus your skill in heavy and light armor? Mace, axe, sword, two-hand specializations? Say, you would be able to craft Daedric armor if both you Smithing skill and your Heavy Armor iskill were 90. Anyone can make iron. It would make sense that by the time your armor/weapon skill reached a certain level, you would have encountered that material through looting. Also, it makes sense that you need to have experience with a type of armor or weapon before you can craft it. No need for a Smithing perk tree at all.

One skill I would like to see come back is acrobatics. With the way animations have been diversified, many acrobatic moves are already in place. Toss in some climbing, and ninjas could come to Skyrim! I would really love a developable acrobatics skill for my Argonian Shadowscale. That would just be cool.

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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:26 am

If you guys know Bethesda, then you also know that big changes like this will NEVER happen. They only fix bugs but would never change whole skills systems, ect.

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