I say this because I feel I have no incentive to use other skills if I don't perk them, with small exceptions to conjuration, restoration and illusion. Which don't really need perking to be effective.
On my character, I have most of the skills near the max now, as I have spent time training them, some were easy (pickpocketing) and some were more difficult (2h, because I never use it, had to use trainers).
Although I very much doubt they would be able/willing to change the system to this, I think it would be a better way to play.
I also think they should merge lockpicking and pickpocketing, due to the perks being quite useless IMO. They could then add one called athleticism maybe, just an example. They might have to shuffle the skills around (from mage, thief and warrior) to make them fit. But I don't really see the need for having skills named either warrior, mage or thief.
Just a thought, see what people think.