Necromancer and Pyromancer Builds

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:16 pm

This is a durable necromancer build, capable of creating god-like armor!

Race: Breton or high elf

Weapon: If required a bound battle axe, duel cast frost spells otherwise

ALWAYS have zombies if possible

Should be a heavily armored tank of destruction, causing those who are slain to rise again!!!!!!!

Now for a slight alteration for the pyromancer!!!!!


Wielding the powers of flame, this daedric warrior is a ferocious sight on any battlefield!!!

Weapons: Bound battleaxe and fire spells

Armor: Full legendary daedric heavily enchanted

ALWAYS have flame atronachs summoned,

Its time to watch the world BURNNNNN
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Jack Walker
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:08 am

Comments and suggestions are more than welcome!!!!

I figure that block is unnessesary because of the armor and ranged focus, what do you guys think???

ALSO!!!! small change, take the perks out of soul siphon and soul squeezer in enchanting and put them into either block or twohanded!!! SORRY this was an oversight I use them with most of my builds, put them in without thinking :)
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Maddy Paul
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:55 pm

orc, nord , breton, or dark elf for pyromancer, any of them would work well.

High elf for min max but I hate playing one in this game (my main is one. . . I try to forget ;) least favorite race)
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:39 am

The problem with a heavy armor wearing mage is where do you put level ups: magicka, health or stamina. You obviously need a ton of magicka but stamina helps with carry capacity, unless you plan on drinking Strength potions every 60 seconds. I'm thinking you'll be encumbered a lot which would be a PITA.
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Georgia Fullalove
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:14 pm

The problem with necromancy is that it takes 'time' to raise a corpse, not something you can do in a fight without a companion to tank. If you have a swarm of dudes wailing on you, there's not much necromancy can do for you in a fight.

I note the NPC necromancers have teleportation, and loads of neato drain spells and destruction etc.
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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:25 pm

Necromancy will be much, much cooler when the mod tools are released, so "raise the dead" can be made area affect and have unlimited zombie minions. This way you don't have to focus on a particular corpse to raise, you just cast and any dead nearby arise like Dawn of the Dead.
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Maria Leon
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:39 pm

wont use stamina realy at all, I take a perk so that it does not encumber me at all ;)

Any thoughts on the pyromancer build? Looked fun to me as I was making it ;)
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Emily Martell
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:24 pm

Here is the revised pyromancer build, I think it should kick ass!!!!
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:07 pm

The problem with necromancy is that it takes 'time' to raise a corpse, not something you can do in a fight without a companion to tank. If you have a swarm of dudes wailing on you, there's not much necromancy can do for you in a fight.

I note the NPC necromancers have teleportation, and loads of neato drain spells and destruction etc.

Conjuration and Illusion go very well together. Cast frenzy then invisibility, wait for one to die, raise the corpse and cast invisibility again or fear them. It's similiar to a summoning necromancer in diablo 2. I've been running around with no armor armor and I haven't had that much trouble on master.
Making a build for level 81 isn't really realistic, getting to level 81 legitimately would take forever. Leveling gets horrendously slow around level 40.

With this illusion/conjuration (puppet master) build you only need 24 perk points for your main skills, which gives a lot of flexibility for whatever else you want:

The master conjuration perk is useless, the conjuration master spells either summon atronoches permanently or raises a mediocre corpse permanently. Permanent atronoches are pointless since you can summon them at any time and they get in your way if you have them up all the time. The undead thrall isn't really that great, if you need to raise a corpse either use frenzy and invisibilty or use your atronoches. The master illusion spells are actually The dual casting perks are bad, they increase magicka costs a ridiculous amount for meager gains, and you will have two different spells on each hand most of the time, like frenzy/invisibilty or fear/invisibility.
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Ice Fire
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:59 pm

Lightning man.

It's the way of the future.
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Trista Jim
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:08 am

The problem with necromancy is it really svcks lol can't wait for mods to fix it. been waiting for like 3 years to see what the next elder scrolls would do with necromancy, If you told me back then in the next game it would svck butthole I would say your insane but ya it's unusable.
you need a corpse-atronaches do not
corpses turn to ash after use-atronaches only limited to your mana
can't realy pick what type of minon you want unless you stock pile corpses some how-atros you can decide fire(ranged,melee) frost (tank,melee) storm(ranged,antimage)
zombies are glitched a motha... they wont use there weapons they were holding when killed last,will die (most of the times) when going through loading doors, so turns to ash then becoms usless-iv never seen atros glitch at all
zombie thralls dissapear for no apparent reasons and then gear is gone.
zombie AI is Horrible iv rased necromancers only for them to detect a enemy on the other side of a wall and ready there fist(because they wont use there weapons) and walk in circles waiting for enemies to come to them.
zombies you cant decide where you summon them only were the body falls-atros you cant strategically insert them ontop of fort walls to tie up archers while you find a way in
zombie WILL NOT equip new armor this means if you take there armor they will be naked FOREVER so dont take all by mistake
You can't heal them which is gank if you want to play a summoner type and hide behind your army-atros you cant heal either I kn ow this it's dumb on bith accounts
w/o perks zombie are at equal footing with there living bretheren which makes no sence why a freakin zombie has same health as the living he is a zombie don't you remember in oblivion seeing headless zombies don't remember living headless npcs....
zombies take for ever to get into combat when 1st raised, have to get up which takes 8-10 seconds which is alot when your in combat and get 60 secs with them, then they need to find a weapon and pick it up because they won't use there prior weapon and the animation takes for ever also, meanwhile there being beaten to death(again)--atros have no weapons so they are fighting as soon as they reach the enemy(which is faster then zombies because you can summon them right on the enemy) or until theye magic hits the enemy.
Zombies have no real special abilities even though there zombies (guess it depends on what type you raise but still svcks compaired to atros)-atros all get cloaks, magic attacks, and most have ranged, and all have melee, AND HAVE UNLIMITED MANA ZOMBIES HAVE FINITE MANA and flame atros explodes on death whixh I see as a plus

Just to clarify i'm no atronach really devoted fan in fact i'm a necro really devoted fan ever sence diablo 2 but it's so dissapointing in this game.... it's unusable... guess mods will fix it as every one says ,alright im going to go weep and cry at the death of necromancy in skyrim.
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Karine laverre
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:45 pm

The master conjuration perk is useless, the conjuration master spells either summon atronoches permanently or raises a mediocre corpse permanently. Permanent atronoches are pointless since you can summon them at any time and they get in your way if you have them up all the time. The undead thrall isn't really that great, if you need to raise a corpse either use frenzy and invisibilty or use your atronoches. The master illusion spells are actually The dual casting perks are bad, they increase magicka costs a ridiculous amount for meager gains, and you will have two different spells on each hand most of the time, like frenzy/invisibilty or fear/invisibility.

I'v noticed that thrall atros have more health and more attacks for example I tested with a dwarven centerion(or what ever) two frost thralls can take one but it took 5 normal frost atros to kill it.
also flame thralls have a flamethrower attack iv never seen in my 130 hours of play time used by a normal one I always thought it was dumb they didnt then i seen it and I was like Oh... well done lol
frost thralls also randomly explode in a frost nova where as normal ones don't I have not tested storm thrall though.
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Avril Louise
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:08 am

sorry to triple post but I actually checked and ya thrall atros are way more powerful I just checked using console and found this

Normal Flame

Flame Thrall

so there almost 3x more powerful plus they get extra attacks and i assume more damage
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