Many people were made happy the day it was announced that Felicia Day was going to be a voice actor. She's one of the nerdiest celebrities ever, and she's proud of it
Yeah but as a 'friends' fan i still think chandler is the coolest!
And ratings are, for the most part, utter [censored]. I probably wouldn't let a small child play this game and if I let one watch I would be careful about where I go (ie no Legion camps) but really that has nothing to do with this discussion.
My son keeps telling me not to kill the Geckos because they look so cute. I even thought they were so cute as well. I even love how they "walk" or "run". So does anyone else have this problem? If you don't have kids, do you think the Geckos are cute, well, till they attack you. LOL.
You don't find geckos cute after you've been attacked by them in real life. That's as far as I'm going with it. *shudders*
I take the Animal Friend perk for this very reason, it breaks my heart shooting coyotes I'd rather not fight and hear 'AROO' in agony. I never have to kill most animals again
Cute? Maybe this is just me, but I HATE the way they run with their stupid gaping mouths and lurching gait. Just gets under my skin for some reason, grrrr.
Also, my fire geckos are bugged and don't breath fire...:\
my son's too young to tell me not to shoot so i happily :flamethrower: away
i personally think they're vicious little [censored] the way they jump at you, fangs exposed, and that their heads need to be swiftly removed from their torsos :blush: