So I have never played, neither SAW any of the The Elder Scrolls game, had no idea what it actually was. A few days ago I got Skyrim because like every single friend of mine in the entire universe was suddenly playing it, so I gave it a shot, why not, I like RPGs - I've grown on diablo 1, played diablo 2, Sacred, lil bit of WoW as well. But hell, those games are nothing like Skyrim. I am completely addicted to it right now. Sure diablo was amazing and all, but just the deepness of the story, characters and the world in Skyrim is svcking me into it unbelievably hard. I am more of a competitive player - Starcraft 2, League of Legends - getting high ratings, being all gosu micro macro tactics and stuff. But man, here I absolutely don't care that my firebolt damage doesn't scale with my level, I only care about the fact that I can shoot friggin fire, I love the fact that I can just go and tell people to grow balls and solve their problems themselves(tho I do every single sidequest I can), that I can be either tough, or humble and obedient, it's amazing.
But one thing I am missing a little bit and that is, choices having heavy impact on the storyline. Sure you have things like the first quest with those two guys fighting over the same girl and you can choose which one to screw over, deciding whether to cure the vampiric blood in you or not, but it doesn't matter really that much. I mean, being a vampire is cool, but having no mana regen throughout the day is quite a big deal for me as a mage, so the choice is clear. There is a choice whether to join Imperial Legion or the Stormcloaks, that's cool but what I want is being evil. I always really enjoyed being a traitor and murderer and so on. Is it somehow possible to.. I don't know make friends with daedra and doing some evil business which would actually MATTER in the war or the dragonborn quests? I want to be able to help a Jarl, clear some rebelion and or something, get into his ass and then murder him in sleep. I want to be able to go in a village and burn it down so that the houses are destroyed and people killed for good.
Is any of these things somehow possible? Is there a game where it could be possible? Being a jerk and just MAKING THE DARK SIDE WIN? (and no, no mmorpg star wars)