So I go into whiterun.....
2 guards are standing by the main gate.
One is telling me hail sithis, the one beside him is congratulating me on killing some witches/bandits for the companions, another walks by and "hands to yourself sneak thief." before he politely requests that I conjure him up a warm bed, and refrain from fiddling with any locks or catching the any buildings on fire. On my way up to dragonreach to pay good ole balgruff a visit, I learn that college mages have no business in sarthaal, that the war is as dumb as the feud with clan gray-mane, and I meet a polite young man who insists that he works for belethor, in the general store-- if I'm not mistaken.
So keeping in mind that light armor keeps me light on my feet, (heard that somewhere), I take to traveling.
A naked messenger tracks me down fairly effortlessly, right before someone returns an ancient nord greatsword to me because I dropped it, and another guard complains about me shouting before speculating as to whether or not she might be dovakhin, but just doesnt know it yet.