If I were to say, compare Skyrim to any game NOT produced by Bethesda, there are very few games you could put in competition. Gothic 3 comes to mind, but I still prefer Skyrim. Gothic 4 was terrible, absolutely terrible after suych a great game. Want to see a real company that dropped the ball play Gothic 3 and then Gothic 4. If you think Bethesda majorly fumbled, youve seen nothing. Absolutely nothing. I feel like someone in the middle going, I like the game, its got flaws, but its better then most of the crap on the market. Like it or not, pick out either of the games and Bethesda gives us ten times as much content as other game developers, probably more. I just find general criticisms on Skyrim bad because rather then bringing in a logical argument or defending anything, it degenerates into Better then or Worse then (insert Bethesda game here). Seriously, if you want to mak an argument, dont make a statement. Argue how Morrowind had a great dialogue system, where speechcraft was somewhat useful in persuasion, getting characters to like you, or getting people to attack you for legal kills, then going from that to Oblivions chat where it benefitted bartering but didnt contain nearly as many options as Morrowind (such as taunting people into attacking you). Then show how it toned down to Skyrims chat system which has removed any sense of the RPG.
Its like reading through a couple dozen toddler arguments to find the few good ones. The worst part is when you reach the good arguments, its as if they have never touched anything else in life then Bethesda games. (If you dont play anything else other then Bethesda games, then by all means). However, seeing as how the last two years have been mediocre to crap releases, I figured atleast Skyrim wouldnt have this band of hate going around.
So Bethesda tried some ideas that did not work and is trying to develop their games toward a mainstream audience. Thats the message many former Oblivion and Morrowind players are trying to get accross, Yes? No? This is about dumbing down the game so less thought and more action equalled more sales? I think this is the argument many of us are trying to make here, that we want to see features we loved from previous games preserved, rather then dumbed down. I dont know why in so many posts only a few people are actually making this point.
So to be honest, we like the game, There are many upgrades I am sure almost everyone here can say we like. I like the fact that you are still releasing titles miles ahead of all the other developers out there, who are passing garbage and re-hashes off as new games worth 49.99. If you re-hashed Skyrim for the next 4 years as expansions that added more provinces, id still buy em because you will still provide us with ten times the content of other games.
What I dont like is that a lot of features are being made more and more simplistic to reach a wider audience. I think something that has hugely degenerated is the ability to talk and win NPC favour for lower prices, better chances as learning information. Also, I think the compass could be scaled back. While I do like that the compass provides a way where everyone can see nearby ruins/towns/landmarks, I dont think its a great medium for showing where quest objects. Quests are supposed to make you think, look and investigate. Not to mention most quest items are obviously still put in cliche rooms, easy to discern. Quests are easy enough without the compasses.
These cut and dry arguments are trash, anyone who cant elaborate on what they mean are not worth the time. If someone cant argue what they mean by "The Lore is better" by actually referencing how this happened, why make the argument. Do you mean the execution of the lore or the knowledge of the lore itself? Ive talked with a few good people in another thread and while we disagree, atleast the people I was conversing about lore execution could actually formulate an argument.
Tired of this fanboyism all over the SKyrim forums. If you are going to come here and argue ________ is better, provide evidence, dont make general statements and hide away while everyone rips you apart.
TL;DR people
-Skyrim may have criticisms against it, but Bethesda still does 10 times the work of most mainstream developers
-Doesnt mean we should kiss their asses, but completely condemning the game is heavy handed
-Too many trolls, not enough discussion on the forums, try making an argument then being a really devoted fan
-Remember, your game aint perfect either, dont proclaim it that way
-There are plenty of good arguments, but there seem to be more bad ones.