Why hate so much on Skyrim?

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:04 pm

SO, the forums are pretty conclusive when it comes to Skyrim. Its pretty cut and dry right now, you are either a fan or a hater. Have found very few people who seem to be anywhere close to my opinion on the game. I find it said that such a great game is picked apart piece by piece and called "terrible". Sure, we can criticize the game for its flaws and what it took a ste backward from its predecessors but as someone who has played a lot of games, SKyrim, Oblivion and Morrowind are probably three of my top five favourite games. I think a lot of people are being extremely heavyhanded about this.

If I were to say, compare Skyrim to any game NOT produced by Bethesda, there are very few games you could put in competition. Gothic 3 comes to mind, but I still prefer Skyrim. Gothic 4 was terrible, absolutely terrible after suych a great game. Want to see a real company that dropped the ball play Gothic 3 and then Gothic 4. If you think Bethesda majorly fumbled, youve seen nothing. Absolutely nothing. I feel like someone in the middle going, I like the game, its got flaws, but its better then most of the crap on the market. Like it or not, pick out either of the games and Bethesda gives us ten times as much content as other game developers, probably more. I just find general criticisms on Skyrim bad because rather then bringing in a logical argument or defending anything, it degenerates into Better then or Worse then (insert Bethesda game here). Seriously, if you want to mak an argument, dont make a statement. Argue how Morrowind had a great dialogue system, where speechcraft was somewhat useful in persuasion, getting characters to like you, or getting people to attack you for legal kills, then going from that to Oblivions chat where it benefitted bartering but didnt contain nearly as many options as Morrowind (such as taunting people into attacking you). Then show how it toned down to Skyrims chat system which has removed any sense of the RPG.

Its like reading through a couple dozen toddler arguments to find the few good ones. The worst part is when you reach the good arguments, its as if they have never touched anything else in life then Bethesda games. (If you dont play anything else other then Bethesda games, then by all means). However, seeing as how the last two years have been mediocre to crap releases, I figured atleast Skyrim wouldnt have this band of hate going around.

So Bethesda tried some ideas that did not work and is trying to develop their games toward a mainstream audience. Thats the message many former Oblivion and Morrowind players are trying to get accross, Yes? No? This is about dumbing down the game so less thought and more action equalled more sales? I think this is the argument many of us are trying to make here, that we want to see features we loved from previous games preserved, rather then dumbed down. I dont know why in so many posts only a few people are actually making this point.

So to be honest, we like the game, There are many upgrades I am sure almost everyone here can say we like. I like the fact that you are still releasing titles miles ahead of all the other developers out there, who are passing garbage and re-hashes off as new games worth 49.99. If you re-hashed Skyrim for the next 4 years as expansions that added more provinces, id still buy em because you will still provide us with ten times the content of other games.

What I dont like is that a lot of features are being made more and more simplistic to reach a wider audience. I think something that has hugely degenerated is the ability to talk and win NPC favour for lower prices, better chances as learning information. Also, I think the compass could be scaled back. While I do like that the compass provides a way where everyone can see nearby ruins/towns/landmarks, I dont think its a great medium for showing where quest objects. Quests are supposed to make you think, look and investigate. Not to mention most quest items are obviously still put in cliche rooms, easy to discern. Quests are easy enough without the compasses.

These cut and dry arguments are trash, anyone who cant elaborate on what they mean are not worth the time. If someone cant argue what they mean by "The Lore is better" by actually referencing how this happened, why make the argument. Do you mean the execution of the lore or the knowledge of the lore itself? Ive talked with a few good people in another thread and while we disagree, atleast the people I was conversing about lore execution could actually formulate an argument.

Tired of this fanboyism all over the SKyrim forums. If you are going to come here and argue ________ is better, provide evidence, dont make general statements and hide away while everyone rips you apart.

TL;DR people
-Skyrim may have criticisms against it, but Bethesda still does 10 times the work of most mainstream developers
-Doesnt mean we should kiss their asses, but completely condemning the game is heavy handed
-Too many trolls, not enough discussion on the forums, try making an argument then being a really devoted fan
-Remember, your game aint perfect either, dont proclaim it that way
-There are plenty of good arguments, but there seem to be more bad ones.
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Elisabete Gaspar
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:33 am

Bethesda created a huge game with so many features to please a large amount of players. And of course some features were released unfinished/untested, both related to game mechanics and roleplaying.

Due to this, we see here so much 'hate' on the game, because very few players are completely satisfied. But I strongly believe that everyone posting in these forums is playing the game, and is having fun to some extent, otherwise they would be playing something else (there are so many games in the market). I personally think the game is great, and can be tweaked to become a master-piece. Forum complaints are mostly just a way players find to express their feelings about things they would like to be changed. Yet some exaggerate of course.
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Kevin Jay
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:49 am

Do i like the game?

Do think it was done correctly?

Do i care about it being done correctly?

-mods will fix everything and make it into the game it should have been.

What about the console people?
-well you see they are doing bethesda games wrong.
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Jynx Anthropic
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:59 pm

As a console player, I'm honestly thinking all those games shouldn't be released on them, in the first place. They're always buggy and we can't mod them. It's a major pain in the ding-dong.

Lock thread please

Leave if you have nothing smart to say.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:31 pm

Why so many fanbois?

Criticism of the game is what fuels mod development. There are heaps of things I will want changed when the CK is released.

Same was true for Morrowind and Oblivion.

So get over it?
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Davorah Katz
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:34 pm

I take issue with some features of Skyrim - namely the UI that was not designed with fluidity or efficiency in mind. But, that's about it. Bugs are understandable and many open-world games tend to suffer from them. In addition, and this only applies to PC users, the game has a very strong modding community and many fixes and tweaks are released to increase the games playability.
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Matt Bee
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:12 pm

I don't really check here much anymore, because it's just complaints.

But I will say that the xbox version is riddled with bugs and script stall-outs, and I have to re-zone and reload saves just about every single time I play.

Really takes a lot out of it, you know?
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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:05 am

the forums are not conclusive, you are not either a fan or a hater. people just love dichotomy and align themselves with one extreme to band against some kind of frankenstein monster they assume the other extreme to be.

i love the game. i complain about the game. im having a lot of fun with it. im having a lot of problems with it. nothing is perfect. i never expected it to be perfect. and here is the apparently crazy opinion of mine: i can like something without thinking it perfect and flawless.

but most forumites cant accept that. i dont kiss the foot of skyrim in my every post, so i must be a hater. to me one of the main purposes of forums is to DISCUSS things, where they fall short, and how they could be better. we know whats good, and there is nothing to gain by saying "this is good" back and forth. nothing is learned, no perspective is brought in, nothing is discussed. forums are for discussion; blind praise is not discussion. neither is blind hate, but most topics raise specific issues and dont just say "this game svcks".
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Carolyne Bolt
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:17 pm

My complaints about Skyrim come exactly from the fact that this game is so good.

Bad UI, spell damage not scaling up well, perk trees that are utterly worthless and others that produce weapons that can oneshot a dragon, quests that give you no alternative ways of resolving the quest if it asks you to do something your character simply wouldn't do...

These are all flaws that simply shouldn't be in a game that is this good in all other respects.
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Sophie Miller
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:29 pm

Whenever a game get released, the forums are always full of complains and negative comments regardless of the quality of the game. There is nothing wrong with this. With all the complains going on the forums, 99% of them are playing Skyrim everyday and will continue to do so for quite a while. I really don't see the point of comparing Skyrim to any other games out there. Bethesda's games are pretty much a category of its own. Gothic 3 was similar but still different in too many ways. So it does not matter how Skyrim is so much better than others and no one should rant about it, because there are no other benchmarks out there, except Bethesda's own games. Which is what people are doing. For that reason, I think it is justify to do just that.
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Amiee Kent
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:19 pm

Tired of this fanboyism all over the SKyrim forums. If you are going to come here and argue ________ is better, provide evidence, dont make general statements and hide away while everyone rips you apart.

Very well put....just FYI, here is what I posted yesterday -----…..Skyrim is the single most gorgeous, hugely immersive game I have ever played. And I say that as someone who has been an avid (perhaps rabid) gamer since the first Doom lit up our screens in the early 1990s. Skyrim is, in my opinion, the pinnacle of gaming – compared to ones I have including Metro 2033, Crysis 2, Fallout 3, Oblivion, Battlefield 3, Medal of Honor, Batman Arkham Asylum, Mafia 2….etc. etc.

I truly appreciate a game with stunning graphics, but even more, I appreciate a game that makes you feel as if you are IN that world, and Skyrim has succeeded in immersion to a stellar, unequaled degree. I’m referring to the seemingly little, yet awesome things the developers put into the game. The sound design, often overlooked as a critical element of the experience, is utterly perfect. The rain effects, the wind, ripples on water when it’s raining, the rolling spatial thunder on a dark afternoon or gloomy morning is something to behold, especially with earphones and the sound cranked! The soundtrack music, as a reviewer put it, is achingly beautiful. Some of the thematic elements are strikingly reminiscent of The Lord of the Rings. Goosebumpworthy.

The stunning level of detail shows that Bethesda was not just marketing hype about this successor to Oblivion. I’m not, in case anyone wonders, a really devoted fan of any game developer. But in those rare games that seem and feel almost alive, you have to respect the teams of designers, graphic artists, producers, audio engineers, etc. that manage to pull something like Skyrim together. And for my money, no one has yet to equal this particular accomplishment. As one reviewer said, Bethesda put a world in a box.

A suggestion: forget quests for a while when you start out. Just walk around, head down a road, wander off of a path and just look…absorb the often astonishing view, the countless details, the sound and music. You will quickly realize that the world of Skyrim is pure magic, that it was crafted by people who are among the very best in their field…and actually care about us gamers.

Take archery for example. I’ve seen numerous posts about inaccuracy or issues with shooting arrows, that they don’t hit their mark or are sort of auto-aimed. So I spent some time early this morning just zipping arrows into trees and mudcrabs, bouncing them off rocks, signposts, etc. The arrows DO arc and distance clearly affects accuracy and I was surprised at how well it works…think about the dynamics and math involved in pulling that one off! I shot a number of arrows straight up, never saw them come down…but, walking around the area later, I found arrows sticking into the ground, into trees, etc, all at the correct angles and approximate distances from where I shot them. That’s serious attention to detail.

I have never before played any game that actually tricked my soggy brain into believing I was there, in that world so removed from this reality. Silly though it may sound, I have stood there in the rain just looking around, taking in the ambiance, the awesome scenery and mood and before I knew it, most of an hour was gone.

When I read posts where someone is [censored]ing about how short Skyrim is, how there are “deal breaker” issues that make the game unplayable and that Skyrim is little more than a crappy beta that was rushed out the door, I realize that these people are missing out on a wonderful experience…or they simply don’t appreciate the mind bending complexity involved in making Skyrim, not to mention making it work on vastly different PC systems….or, they are trolls or derps.

Certainly, not all will agree with me and that’s fine. I’m hoping that those people out there who are still on the fence about purchasing Skyrim will not be negatively swayed by the sometimes venomous remarks I’ve read on forums. But, everyone is entitled to their views.

Although I am confident that no one from Bethesda will ever read my opinion of Skyrim, I truly hope that they know how much most of us appreciate their efforts to craft a game that actually does deserve the overworked title of “Masterpiece.”

One more thing – to the modding community out there, I want to say that it is YOU who will make Skyrim considerably more than it is already, and I greatly appreciate your efforts and respect your talent and dedication. You are spending your time doing what you clearly love and it makes a difference, often a huge one. All I can say is a simple but sincere Thank You.
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Lori Joe
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:28 am

I just feel that a lot of people are tossing a game away thinking its "garbage" when theres enough garbage in the gaming world as it is. It seems unfair to say this game was terrible when thats the kind of language you use to describe stuff like the Battlefield 3 campaign, Gothic 4, Heroes of Might and Magic V. These are games that deserve a real loathing for their content. It just seems wrong to be so heavyhanded on a game to the point where people are swearing not to play it. Obviously if its to go play Oblivion or Morrowind, go right ahead, but to say you wont play it and go off to play the other crap on the market makes me shudder.

DOnt get me wrong, I love Morrowind and Oblivion. IVe probably got 500-800 hours between these three titles. Thats because the play value even on their "dumbed down" games is 5-10x that of other games.
Good example of re-hashed content, just finished Saints Row The Third, theres a totally re-hashed game for you. Basically Saints Row 2 with VTOLs and more ridiculousness.
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