A problem regarding races in Skyrim

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:27 pm

I have no problem playing khajiit in Skyrim. I think I can relate to my character more because he looks like an outsider, even though he has lived in Skyrim almost all of his life.

I like how sometimes guards say "Sheath those claws, khajiit" when walking with fists up.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:17 am

One thing that slightly bothers me about Skyrim is that hardly any of the races fit in with the province and are hard to role-play. I made a wood-elf and made his backstory so he was born in Skyrim and stuff but it got hard because Hadvar at the beginning is like "We'll return your remains to Valenwood" when I'm not even from Valenwood. And a bunch of other NPC's kept going on about how I must be from Valenwood and stuff. It broke the immersion and made it hard to role-play an exotic race in Skyrim. I bet Khajiit must be even harder. It seems that all races except for the human races don't fit in Skyrim. My main character is a Breton and it's a little easier since High Rock is right beside Skyrim. In Oblivion, Cyrodil was a very multi-cultural place with lots of different races and it was bordered by many other provinces while Skyrim seems to be almost all Nords and the game seems to favour them since it is Skyrim afterall and home to the Nords.

This is a small gripe I have about the game and it doesn't really affect me to much. It just would've been nice if Bethesda gave some love to other races besides Nord.

Khajiit is tough considering I'm the only one allowed to roam the cities.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:51 am

You could role play some racism into your NPC interactions.
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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:16 am

Being a high elf mage you constantly hear tirades against elves and magic users both. I agree that Argonians especially seem out of place but the beast races like warm weather too so perhaps it makes sense there not being so many there.
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Neliel Kudoh
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:37 pm

Khajiit is tough considering I'm the only one allowed to roam the cities.

yeah that is never properly explained, is my khajiit just the coolest of the bunch or what?
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Izzy Coleman
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:06 pm

I play an Argonian and I feel out of place, but I thought I was supposed to feel out of place.

The Nord leaders I've met mostly seem like a bunch of racist and/or nationalist herp derps so unless you're playing a nord you're on the outs.

I sort of like what that adds to the game though.
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Adam Baumgartner
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:37 pm

I'm pretty sure that he has no idea where your character was born. He said he'll send you body to Valenwood because you're a Wood Elf.
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Penny Wills
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:43 am

I think my main gripe with the races is the fact when I choose one I don't get to see what the stats/specials are, I have to Shift-Tab and load up the web browser and search the net to remind myself.
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Laura Ellaby
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:15 pm

No, I like the Argonian NPC voices. But the PC's voice (as in, YOUR voice) as an Argonian sounds /completely/ human when the NPC Argonians' don't.

This pissed me off when I tried to roll an Argonian... His Fus Ro Dah sounds exactly like a Nord's.

But yeah, sadly Skyrim isn't really a multi-culti province. Like 80% of the population are Nords.
I found it really hard to play any race other than Nords for the first week or so, now it's growing on me.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:28 am

One thing that slightly bothers me about Skyrim is that hardly any of the races fit in with the province and are hard to role-play. I made a wood-elf and made his backstory so he was born in Skyrim and stuff but it got hard because Hadvar at the beginning is like "We'll return your remains to Valenwood" when I'm not even from Valenwood. And a bunch of other NPC's kept going on about how I must be from Valenwood and stuff. It broke the immersion and made it hard to role-play an exotic race in Skyrim. I bet Khajiit must be even harder. It seems that all races except for the human races don't fit in Skyrim. My main character is a Breton and it's a little easier since High Rock is right beside Skyrim. In Oblivion, Cyrodil was a very multi-cultural place with lots of different races and it was bordered by many other provinces while Skyrim seems to be almost all Nords and the game seems to favour them since it is Skyrim afterall and home to the Nords.

This is a small gripe I have about the game and it doesn't really affect me to much. It just would've been nice if Bethesda gave some love to other races besides Nord.

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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:09 pm

Alright i dont agree with this becuase at the start of the game you are being escorted to helgen. When the Nord sitting right infront of you says that you were cought trying to cross the border with him. so i asumed that you were trying to get into Skyrim. Right? And even if you were trying to get out then why wouldnt the main storyline be you trying to get out of skyrim. so that is why everybody says that you werent born in Skyrim.
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