I miss weapon choices, some attributes, asking guards for directions, spells... but not classes. They didn't really add anything to the game.
Right, except a title to define "what you are" and a lump of skills to choose, some of which you probably should learn realistically, but might never use. For instance, as a thief, if I played to class, I'd kind of be forced to be at least minimally adept at pickpocketing. But, for my character, it's not something he would do unless forced, and would have no extensive knowledge even if he can sneak and lockpick like the best of them. So, what, after I max out the thiefly skills EXCEPT for pickpocketing, I'm not allowed to move on to, say, Destruction magic? Why not? Maybe that's what my character is into. Maybe he had an aptitude for it all along and just didn't know it. And then the class system leads you to... okay, well what's the best armor my class can wear? Why? My guy prefers light armor, leather. No glass or elven stuff. So, I can become proficient enough in arms and armor to not get whacked by a full on burly orc.