My plan is kaput.

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:13 am

I've been reading the posts and topics about how if you use smithing and enchanting the game becomes entirely too easy. I guess I should have realized that, but I didn't. I've only taken two enchanting perks to improve my percentage and I've taken three smithing perks. So now a total of five perks have been used on something I may or may not use. I'm curious if any of you guys are in the same boat as me or if you all think I should start a new character. I really don't want to do that since I have 60+ hours invested in this one (currently level 28) and I had 15+ hours in a previous character. I'm really torn.
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Chenae Butler
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:28 pm

Enchanting and blacksmithing are fine. Use them like you were planning. It won't break a thing.

What did break the game, is when players intentionally tried to maximize blacksmithing and enchanting. To a degree where you could call it "exploiting". They would increase their alchemy as much as possible. Then create potions that would improve blacksmithing and enchanting. Then they would make a set of armor with + blacksmithing, and a set of armor with +enchanting. Then they would wear that and create a set of armor to use. If you stack the effects enough, you could blacksmith items with +130% effect or something. And then throw crazy enchants on them. You would then have gear that would be 4x stronger than the best pre-made armor you could get from quests or chests or drops.

But if you use smithing to make gear for items that you haven't had an upgrade for in a while, no problem. Then throw some normal enchants on them, still no problem. As long as you don't try to exploit the system to the max.
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i grind hard
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:12 am

Enchanting and blacksmithing are fine. Use them like you were planning. It won't break a thing.

What did break the game, is when players intentionally tried to maximize blacksmithing and enchanting. To a degree where you could call it "exploiting". They would increase their alchemy as much as possible. Then create potions that would improve blacksmithing and enchanting. Then they would make a set of armor with + blacksmithing, and a set of armor with +enchanting. Then they would wear that and create a set of armor to use. If you stack the effects enough, you could blacksmith items with +130% effect or something. And then throw crazy enchants on them. You would then have gear that would be 4x stronger than the best pre-made armor you could get from quests or chests or drops.

But if you use smithing to make gear for items that you haven't had an upgrade for in a while, no problem. Then throw some normal enchants on them, still no problem. As long as you don't try to exploit the system to the max.

Oh, well dang. That's now what I was ever planning on doing. Good to hear. Thanks for setting my mind at ease friend.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:34 am

I think that it is fair game to use a 100 Alchemy fortify smith potion to strengthen my daggers.
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KRistina Karlsson
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:14 pm

What the people are talking about is using a combo of enchanting/ alchemy and smithing to make insanely powerful weaponry.
Similar to potion stacking in Morrowind to make hugely powerful potions.

If you refrain from doing that, if you dont use potions to enhance your enchants, and dont use those super powerful enchants to make weaponry, you will be fine.

I have 100 smithing and enchanting and Im just sticking to using them seperately, instead of in conjunction.
Its fine if you dont do that.

Though I do like that the option is there, for people who want to play with the mechanics of the system.
Choice is good.
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kitten maciver
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:32 pm

ppl talk as if u start on level 100 in smithing, enchanting and alchemy ...whats easy bout spaming iron daggers and ingredients for hours? Idk if theres an easy way to lvl up these skills but it seems it would take a long time and coin to max all 3 by buying supplies to work with then spend all day creating
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