» Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:52 pm
I think its entirely possible to be a good natured assassin,who is also a member of the Dark Brotherhood =) I pretty much did the same in Oblivion..besides the DB,my character was the nicest person you would ever meet..help everyone and always choose the good path in quests or when dealing with people etc. I absolutely loved the irony of being the leader/member of a murderous cult of killers and at the same time being a renowned hero and saviour lol It was like "Hello,im quite happy to have saved your farm from those trolls! Just remember though!.....if Sithis wills it...i will murder you and your entire family...BYE!"
Its all about rationalisation at the end of the day =) Concerning the DB specifically..i think the quasi-religious nature of it can help to mold your characters nature and alignment. Bethesda gives you three options when it comes to what type of DB Assassin you want to be by way of the replies you can make while in conversation with other DB members or victims. Usually you can be cold,gleefully maniacal or utterly silent. I always choose total silence because i rationalise that my character is an actual representative of Sithis..the Void,silence..death =) A pure assassin so to speak,he doesnt kill for pleasure and from his perspective,he is merely fulflling a sacred..if dark...duty.
Alot of the in-game books and lore discussing the nature of the Night Mother,Sithis and the Dark Brotherhood itself can help with this aswell since its all so rich and detailed,like everything else in the game.
Basically,in my opinion,tis very possible to be a good natured assassin. =)