» Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:34 pm
They will continue to svck for a long while. If you power level it you will see some benefits somewhat early, but otherwise until you have come close to maxing it random crap gear you find will be better. It is one of the things I hate about crafting, you don't really use the stuff you make much across most levels but when you have finally mastered it it is generally a lot better than the stuff you find.
Anyways, disenchant and enchant things often. Even a petty soul will help a lot towards leveling the skil. With the right enchants you can make a lot of money as well. For weapons the big one is banish, it is worth tons of money, paralysis is solid as well. Fortify carry weight seems good for the items that can take it, and on shields resist shock is the best I've seen so far. Basically buy up the stuff needed to make iron daggers, make a bunch of iron daggers. Buy/steal petty soul gems, go kill weak mobs. Enchant things like mad, rinse/repeat. I'd say for ordinary play around 75 you start seeing enchants that are as good as the crap gear you find, assuming you have perked the tree(center line for mages), 80+ you can start making good gear. This happens earlier if you power level the skill at a low level.