I also feel, in regards to monsters, you have gotten the right mix of static and level-scaling. I enjoy blowing through 75-90% of the enemies in front of me but always wondering if I'm about to hit a harder group of bad guys than I think.... it keeps me from getting cocky.
The only part I don't like is the level scaling of items - if I win through a dungeon, I want the real item.... it feels strange to know if I wait until higher level I will receive a more powerful artifact. I don't mean this for the generic items - I understand level-scaling all the 'normal' loot. I'm referring to the set unique items that are referenced in the game through quests/legends/books etc. I wish those were simply in hard dungeons (set high level no matter what level you are) and the items had one set of stats.
But overall I'm still (after 70+ hours) gasping in sheer delight every night and I still have over 2/3rds of the lands to explore!!!!! (woot!)