I wanted to play a dedicated mage or pure mage as some call it. No armor or weapons, except the occasional staff. I'm having a really hard time deciding which magic schools to go into.
Basically I want to stay away from the enchanting/alchemy exploit, but wonder if just doing one would be ok or if they are even needed. I'm not very fond of the crafting disciplines, but some of the benefits seem ok, plus they both seem like a good for money if nothing else.
This is the build I been considering.
Destro/Alteration/ restoration or conjuration (I was thinking illusion but after looking into it sound a bit op)
Here are some questions.
1. Which would be better for a mage, Alchemy or Enchanting, do I need either? I was thinking of just making one of this two my third focus skill. The poisons that inflict weakness to elements seem cool but that means I have to use a weapon of some sort...sight
2. Is restoration really worth it. The obvious answer would be "DUH!" it heals you but wasting magic for a slow heal while a pot could do the same job instantly puts it into question. I have read mix reviews about the wards. The idea sounds great on paper but I have try one and found it again to be of occasional use. How do they do against dragons or late game mages? Does the "Warp Absorb" perk makes a big difference.
Any advice would be appreciated.