It's hard to calm down when all sources are combining skyrim with superlatives, for instance if someone missed from Hines twitter "Showing Skyrim to Euro staff and some distr. partners today. Very high praise. Couple folks said they were stunned how good it was. Woot!"
"Stunned"? It sounds electric. xD But seriously, I have high hopes for Skyrim, I mean sure the players will find something a bit disappointing about it, but all in all I think this will be an excellent game, I'm not the kind to let any little thing about it ruin the experience, so I'm fairly open to it.
Heck, it bothered me back when playing Oblivion that they had
Vampires, not Werewolves... <.< But hey, I did all kinds of stuff in that besides completing the main quest, I completed all the Mage's Guild stuff, got a ton of Nirnroots so I can get Grand Elixir of Exploration (at least I think that is what the strongest one was called...which I never really used because it was such a precious item to just use up), and a whole lot more, loved that game overall, the spell making was great fun. :biggrin: