They certainly weren't lacking in nerds. Did you see them eating lunch in the cafeteria?
No excuse for gimped RPG elements with that magnitude of nerdiness.
Which makes me want to say that it seems like development was rushed by a concrete deadline, but of course this has to be false because they had what, 5 years? to develop this? I don't know, I mean, its a fun game, and I can definitely see a lot of hard work and passion put into the game, but the elements that are lacking seem like they would be parts of the development process that should have had higher priority than designing a plethora of shallow side-tasks.
I won't even call them quests as many of them are, "Oh, we found this bounty poster, why don't you handle this. Wait what? You want to know why there is a bounty for this person? What do you mean if you bring them back alive you get more gold? Look, this piece of paper says to go make someone dead, just go do it so I can find another piece of paper and we can repeat this all over again."