Im not.
The whole reason they got to make Daggerfall was because of Arena.
And the one thing that makes Arena stand out above a million other dungeon crawlers is the sheer freedom and customisability of spellmaking.
Without it, there never would have been a Daggerfall.
And that means no Morrowind or Oblivion either.
The worst part of it is that what we got in place is so bland and useless.
I kid you not, Dragon Age one has a more varied and utalitarian spellsystem.
A bioware game has better magic than a TES game.
This has been my pet grievance since the day it was announced to be gone, because unlike a lot of people who marvelled at that they now look 'cool' and can be 'dualwielded', I saw this whole debacle coming a mile off.
Bethesda has never been good at making spells.
Case in point, no pre-made spell ever came close to what the spellmaker could do.
A further case in point: finger of the mountain.
Saying Bioware having better magic is subjective at best. I think it works for the lore they created with Baldur's Gate, NWN and Dragon Age: Origins (even KoTOR was awesome). Bioware is more about great storytelling (they may be the best ever at this aspect) and players having effects on the game plots while role playing, though they took most of that away with Dragon Age 2 (terrible game).
Dragon Age; Origins doesn't have a more utilitarian spell system. You cannot make spells in DA:O and not only that, you have to specify your class as a mage to be able to unlock and use many of the spells. Even then, you have to earn specialization points to unlock certain spell types (e.g. types of destructive, illusory, healing spells) and not all of them can be unlocked (I think you can only earn two spec points). Warriors cannot cast spells and neither can rogues, but they can use talents that enhances themselves or the group. So to say that Beth is not good at making spells, I disagree, they're very good at it. I do think they took to much away from previous TES games with Skyrim not having spellmaking, and it is painful. The CK will fix that soon enough.
Dragon Age I think works better since it forces role playing more in that not everyone can be everything like one can in Skyrim and pretty much could in Oblivion as well.