First I played with the hotkeys assigning spells, 1-H swords, 2-H swords, a shield, spells, etc., to the hotkeys and it seemed to work. Then I un-hotkeyed everything and only left:
1. Iron sword
2. Longbow
I hit 1, I get an iron sword in BOTH hands.
I hit 2, I get the bow, so far so good.
I hit 1, back to DWing 1-H swords.
I hit 2 - no bow, nothing. I check the favorites menu and sure enough, I lost the "2" next to the longbow. Repeatable at will. Same thing if the bow is on key 3, 4, 8, etc.
I can only switch between a melee weapon and a bow at will without losing the bow hotkey if I do it between a 2-H greatsword and the bow, then I don't lose the bow hotkey.
Also, if I have a 1-H sword in my favorites list, not even hotkeyed, playing between the greatsword and the bow will still manage to have the 1-H sword equipped somehow, and make me lose the bow hotkey.
I suppose I got my favourites menu and/or hotkeys list corrupted somehow, and unfavoriting everything does not help. Anyone else seen this?