I want to build a female wood elf archer, dual wielding dagger, sneak, alchemy avatar.
Should I use light armor? Does light armor affect stealth? If I do use light armor should I drop perk points in the respective tree?
It's up to you if you want to use light armor.
The weight of the armor does affect stealth, but in the sneak tree, there is a perk that reduces the penalty from armor weight by 50%.
Personally I did not spend points in the light armor tree for the same reason you listed below. And I am doing fine.
- Light armor seems kind of waist for this type. I really don't want her to get hit much if at all. I could be wrong though.
Exactly. An assassin theoretically doesn't get hit at all. So an assassin should focus more on offense, and less on defense.
But. you do need some kind of protection against dragons. I have not yet determined how to get them on the ground and then sneak attack them. I may try invisibility potions.
Does one-handed weapons tree and sneak-back stab work together with daggers? It seems with those two tree combinations you could get some seriously huge hits with daggers on stealth.
Yes, sneak attack multiplies the damage from your dagger. If you take the first perk of one-handed tree, which increases damage from all one-handed weapons by up to 100%, the gains be multiplied by the sneak attack.
And yes, that is the whole point of the assassin. So be sure to put a lot of muscle into your dagger arm.
What if any type of magic should I look into with this toon?
I personally don't use any magic, but I think Illusion magic would complement it nicely. There is a muffle spell that improves your sneaking ability.
What should my ratio of health and stamina be? I know she needs lots of stamina just not sure how much. 1:2, 1:3?
Well as you mentioned, in theory you shouldn't even be hit. So you don't really need health.
Because enemies die in 1 hit, you also don't need as much stamina as a warrior in open-combat for power attacks.
I personally dump most of my stats in stamina for another reason, to carry more loot. But spend enough points in health for dragon fights.