Common guys ! It is more difficult to get rid of some "Trolls" on this forum than any in the game
I don't want spoil but ther is info about how to kill them in the game even a book teach you how to kill them.
Don't get me wrong i'm not saying it is a quick and a easy fight (depend of your level and gear) but if you follow the instruction fund in the game and adapte it to your class (because let's be honnest this info are more for warrior class as for Magic class, but you still can use it (with the right spell of course)) you should be able to kill any Trolls at any level. Plus let's face it Trolls are powerful that true but totally stupid and slow so use it ti your advantage.
I actually spend a lot of time watching how animals react, and what i can tell so far:
Spiders, Wolves and Bears do not attack you untill you enter their territory, most of the people complaining about Bear and wolf is because you do not pay enough attention to your environment just keep in mind that if they attack you is your fault not their.
Trolls are fighting each other for territory
(i don't know so far if we can use that to my advantage, need to investigate)
You can actually shoot at the bird in the sky
(if you very good at shooting with bow).
You can (and that was for sure not intended) jump on any flying bugs and fly on it (yes Butterfly are the most powerful creature in Skyrim, they actually can carry a Barbarian of 242 lbs with almost 660 lbs equipment :banghead: , yes you will never see the butterfly the same way now, careful you been warned don't mess with Butterfly).