» Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:54 am
Brothers!! Rejoice for I have found a way. Follow me and I shall regale you with the tail of Kvenel, for he fell to my the mighty technique of "Ring around the rosie". HAHAHA!! No for reals though. This is how I defeated him after hours of punching myself in the face. First thing first, he is impossible to defeat head on. His shout will drain all your Stamina, and make your powerless to sprint the hell away from him. And then he 2-3 shots you. No good. So then the obvious answer is, range attack. But again, you may get 2-3 shots on him with an arrow, but unless you're Robin Hood, you can't put him down in 3 arrow shot before he jumps on you, stamina drain, and it's a 2-3 melee shot. And you're done. So, the key is you have to be able to keep something between yourself and him. And I wish I can say that I'm a smart mofo, and I discovered this on my own. But sadly no, I stumbled upon this technique by accident. And here's how you do this. When you come upon him, lure him and make him chase you. Make sure to avoid his shout so you can sprint, or refill your stamina with potions. Remember that room you passed on the way to him with the big dining table in it. That's the key. Make sure he chases you all the way to that room, and then just ring around the rosie keeping that table between yourself and him. And then just range attack him with those destruction spells. I used Flames personally. Use Unrelenting Force if he gets to close. Doing this I one-shot him. Hope this helps.