Skill Tree Changes
Pickpocket: This tree is largely worthless. The only perk worth taking is extra pockets. Therefore the entire tree is largely not viable. I have not encountered a single npc who possesses a weapon/armor worth stealing that could not just be killed overwise.
Lockpicking: Entire tree is worthless. Even with a lockpicking skill of 5, anyone can pick a master lock with ease. Treasure Hunter & Golden Touch are garbage. Treasure hunter increases the chances that you will find "special treasure" (enchanted) by 50%. So instead of a 10% chance you have a 15% chance. WOW. By putting 1 point into haggling (The first perk in the speech tree) you would make more money over the course of your character then investing many points in a worthless tree. Golden Touch is decent, however again haggling will generate more gold in the end.
Blacksmithing: Hands down the most broken skill tree in the game atm. When combined with +% smithing equipment/potions players are able to craft weapons/armor that make the daedric weapons imbued by the gods look trivial. In addition players are also able to max out blacksmithing with little to no effort by creating basic items repeatedly. I don't think it was in Bethesda's intention to have players running around with 500+ damage base weapons 1 shotting dragons on master difficulty.
Destruction: While I myself haven't had much experience playing a mage so far in Skyrim, the general consensus is that after a certain level (35-40 is what I have been reading) the player has no other ways of increasing his/her damage while enemies continue to get stronger.
Traps in their present state serve nothing more any a annoyance. I can just run through them with little concern as they do not inflict enough damage. Traps should instantly kill the player. It would add a much need element to dungeons & make them more imposing.
Loot Scaling:
How did we end up back here again? In Morrowind, unique items were static. The majority of the community was content with this. In Oblivion it was changed & everyone hated it. In Fallout unique items were once again static, community was content once more. Now in Skyrim we have unique items that ONCE again, scale with level. So therefore if a player has a specific piece of armor/weapon they are a fan of, they have to wait until 80+ to acquire said item or its stats will be completely nerfed. This does not promote exploration or completing faction questlines. The complete opposite of Bethesda's mission statement.
Dragons need to be buffed. Considering they are the theme behind Skyrim they need to be more imposing. In their current implementation they offer little more difficulty than a bear even on master difficulty. In many cases I fear a bear or sabre cat more than a dragon which is wrong on so many levels...