Ok, so I'm at the College of Winterhold and doing the "First Lessons" quest. I get to the part where you are supposed to cast a ward spell and the teacher throws a fireball at you. The problem is, he won't cast the spell and there is no way to get around it. I've tried casting 3 different ward spells and no response from the NPC. So now what? I'm at my wits end on what to do. I'm contemplating starting over but damn, I'm lvl 25. Please help me!!!
Sorry to dig this up but I have the exact same problem. He began to cast the spell and then stopped midway and now won't do anything. If i talk to him I get non quest related stuff (e.g. trade). Have tried loading and it does exactly the same. Any more ideas??
I got that too.. worst thing is i have not save to reload. i am stand at place which is correct. I did cast less ward and he still not cast fire bolt..... he just standing for nothing......
Sigh other solution is: if you have high sneak skill like 50+ then murder one of three students with sneak stab then run away. It will done quest however u need 250G for return magic college.