1) How do I dodge ? People keep saying: "dodge the NPC's powerattacks". But how ? Just move backwards when I see an NPC swing his axe ? Or can I move sideways ? Do I need to move sideways ? This is an RPG, do stats have any impact on dodging ? In an RPG, I'd assume my stats would make my character dodge automatically ? (Like in MMOs). Can I see when an NPC does a powerattack or a normal attack ? The only things I seem to be able to dodge are fireballs. Because I see them coming. I also assume I can dodge arrows, by just constantly strafing ?
2) How do I block ? Can I only block with a shield ? I assume you block with a shield by just keeping the left-hand mouse-button pressed, until the NPCs swing lands on my shield ? Anything else ? Can I block with two 1-handers ? If so, how ? When keeping my left-hand mouse-button pressed, it seems to swing, not block. I haven't tried 2-handers, but at least I can understand that the left-hand mouse-button can be used for blocking with a 2-hander (as you swing with the right-hand mouse-button only).
OK, it seems that you can not block with two 1-handers.
Not sure you can block arrows if you don't have the perk.
3) While we are talking about shields, how do I shield bash ? What is the difference between a power bash and a deadly bash ? How do I trigger them ? Do they consume stamina ? I know I need to pick the perks to do them.
4) Power attacks. I use them, but they feel pretty clumsy and unreliable. Are there different power attacks ? The ones I know are:
1) main-hand power attack. keep your right-hand mouse-button pressed for ~ 1 second. Then release.
2) dual-wield power attack. press both mouse-buttons at the same time. No need to hold them down.
Can I do a power-attack with my off-hand sword ? Can I do more power-attacks than these 2 ? Is there a cooldown between 2 successive power-attacks ? Do I indeed not need to keep both buttons pressed for a longer duration for the dual-wield power-attack ? Both attacks feel very unreliable, I can't seem to pull them off at will. Is it possible to pull off power-attacks 100% reliably, or is there always a chance that your power-attack doesn't start ? (I assume that power-attacks, like any other swing, can miss, be dodged or be blocked by NPCs).