How do I ..... dodge, block, shield bash, powerattack

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:43 am

I don't feel comfortable with the combat mechanics in Skyrim. They feel clumsy. Maybe I am doing something wrong. So let me ask.

1) How do I dodge ? People keep saying: "dodge the NPC's powerattacks". But how ? Just move backwards when I see an NPC swing his axe ? Or can I move sideways ? Do I need to move sideways ? This is an RPG, do stats have any impact on dodging ? In an RPG, I'd assume my stats would make my character dodge automatically ? (Like in MMOs). Can I see when an NPC does a powerattack or a normal attack ? The only things I seem to be able to dodge are fireballs. Because I see them coming. I also assume I can dodge arrows, by just constantly strafing ?

2) How do I block ? Can I only block with a shield ? I assume you block with a shield by just keeping the left-hand mouse-button pressed, until the NPCs swing lands on my shield ? Anything else ? Can I block with two 1-handers ? If so, how ? When keeping my left-hand mouse-button pressed, it seems to swing, not block. I haven't tried 2-handers, but at least I can understand that the left-hand mouse-button can be used for blocking with a 2-hander (as you swing with the right-hand mouse-button only).

OK, it seems that you can not block with two 1-handers.
Not sure you can block arrows if you don't have the perk.

3) While we are talking about shields, how do I shield bash ? What is the difference between a power bash and a deadly bash ? How do I trigger them ? Do they consume stamina ? I know I need to pick the perks to do them.

4) Power attacks. I use them, but they feel pretty clumsy and unreliable. Are there different power attacks ? The ones I know are:
1) main-hand power attack. keep your right-hand mouse-button pressed for ~ 1 second. Then release.
2) dual-wield power attack. press both mouse-buttons at the same time. No need to hold them down.
Can I do a power-attack with my off-hand sword ? Can I do more power-attacks than these 2 ? Is there a cooldown between 2 successive power-attacks ? Do I indeed not need to keep both buttons pressed for a longer duration for the dual-wield power-attack ? Both attacks feel very unreliable, I can't seem to pull them off at will. Is it possible to pull off power-attacks 100% reliably, or is there always a chance that your power-attack doesn't start ? (I assume that power-attacks, like any other swing, can miss, be dodged or be blocked by NPCs).
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Rich O'Brien
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:28 am

Dodge is purly up to you not being where weapon hits.

Shield bash is done by klicking the weapon mouse button while blocking, same works when you block with a 2-h or with a 1-h on it's own

Note dual wield does have a power attack, hold both mouse buttons and your character does a series of fast swings.
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Emerald Dreams
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:46 am

1 - This isn't an MMO. You dodge by simply moving out of the way of incoming attacks; you're character won't do this for you.

2 - You block with a shield or by using a single one handed weapon. You use the right mouse button for this.

3 - You shield bash by attacking while blocking ie. hold the right mouse button down, and then click the left. Deadly bash just increases the amount of damage your shield bash does if I remember correctly.

4 - Power attacks are very simple to use. Simply hold down the left mouse button and your character will initiate a power attack. You can perform a lot of different power attacks by moving in different directions when you initiate a power attack eg. if you strafe to the left and power attack, your character will swing his weapon in that direction. You really just need to experiment with the different combinations and weapons available. You'll get the hang of it.
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clelia vega
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:17 am

1) Dodge, just move out of the way. There are no skills governing dodge. Sneak has a rolling perk that may help tho
2) Blocking is possible with a shield or 2 hander by pressing the left hand attack button. You can also block this way with a1 hander but only if your left hand is empty. You can't block while dual wielding
3) Shield bash, hold up the shield and press right hand attack button. Do the same for a power bash, but then hold the right hand attack button for a sec. Power bashing costs stamina
4) There are more power attacks but you need perks for them, check the 1 and 2 handed perk trees. You can power attack with your offhand and there's no cooldown as such but power attacks consume stamina and you can only perform them if yoh have enough
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Epul Kedah
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:05 pm

Just keep them in a stunlock, use wots and faceroll...oh wait
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Allison C
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:20 am

My dodging a power attack people may be referring to gaining the slow motion blocking perk which allows you to either move out of the way or power bash just as the strike is coming in to stagger the enemy.
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Beth Belcher
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:10 am

4 - Power attacks are very simple to use. Simply hold down the left mouse button and your character will initiate a power attack. You can perform a lot of different power attacks by moving in different directions when you initiate a power attack eg. if you strafe to the left and power attack, your character will swing his weapon in that direction. You really just need to experiment with the different combinations and weapons available. You'll get the hang of it.

So you can do different power attacks by using your mouse-button and strafe buttons at the same time ? Anywhere where that is explained (url) ?

That seems weird. There is a perk for one-handers, where you will do 25% more damage for doing "standing power-attacks". So to get that bonus damage, I want to stand still. But now you are telling me there are "moving power-attacks" too ?

4) There are more power attacks but you need perks for them, check the 1 and 2 handed perk trees. You can power attack with your offhand and there's no cooldown as such but power attacks consume stamina and you can only perform them if yoh have enough

So we can power-attack with the offhand ? How ? I have not been able to make this happen. Can anyone confirm ?

I found out the difference between a power-bash and a deadly-bash. The deadly-bash is the same thing, just does 5x more damage. So once you get the deadly-bash perk, you will not be doing regular power-bashes anymore, just deadly-bashes.
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Neko Jenny
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:40 am

So you can do different power attacks by using your mouse-button and strafe buttons at the same time ? Anywhere where that is explained (url) ?

That seems weird. There is a perk for one-handers, where you will do 25% more damage for doing "standing power-attacks". So to get that bonus damage, I want to stand still. But now you are telling me there are "moving power-attacks" too ?

Standing still + power attack = standard power attack, (when perked gets more damage).
Moving forward + power attack = you leap forward and deliver a powerful blow.
Backward +power attack = normal power attack until perk, then it can paralyze.
Side movement + power attack = side stepping powerattack.

All powerattacks have a chance to stagger and do more than double damage (think it's 3 times not sure). However they come with a stamina cost, this means you have to be careful with their use to avoid running out of stamina and affecting your blocking / bashing or bring lots of potions.
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Lalla Vu
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:26 am

You can use a torch as a shield. When you bash the enemy lits on fire :) Quite a nice feature! Though it isnt as effective in blocking, doesnt give you any base armor rating and does not govern from shield only perks.
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lydia nekongo
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:48 am

The only way to dodge seems to be to side-step. Works well vs. power attacks. Retreating doesn't appear to work at all - I've stepped back out of visual range of the blow, i.e. graphically the blow did NOT land - yet I still take the "hit".

I've noticed that some NPC's seem to be able to change their power attacks mid-flow - i.e. it WILL miss then suddenly they'll be facing your and you got hit...a bit weird really.

They usually seem pretty good at dodging my power attacks, though I rarely do them being primarily an archer. I only switch to melee if needed.

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