Quests, particularly the guild questlines.... Seem significantly more generic and less story-driven in Skyrim. There are obviously some GREAT quests, and I love the Lore-ish overtones in some of them.... But there is this inescapable feeling of repetitiveness and one-dimensionality to the narrative that I have never felt in a Bethesda game before.
Just to clarify, I am not speaking of the Radiant "Miscellaneous" quests (Obviously those were always going to be dull fetch/kill chores, that's fine). I am actually referring to the named quests with their dedicated stories. I find myself not really caring about progressing them because all too frequently all the stories are much of "fetch this thing you never heard of until just now from this dungeon" or "go kill this person in this dungeon", rinse, repeat. This is alarming, because I have been absolutely riveted by previous titles from Bethesda and found it hard to stop progressing. I WANT to be as enthralled in Skyrim, but finding myself simply not caring due to uninteresting stories.
By the way, please don't feel it necessary to mention specific instances of awesome story telling in Skyrim, because I am not suggesting they don't exist. They clearly do. But for every good quest or story, there are a substantial more of generic ones, a ratio never encountered in a Bethesda game before. That's what I am concerned and disappointed about.... There just seems to be a substantial amount of generic quests in Skyrim, whereas in Oblivion and Morrowind there were more variety.
The Mages questline is an apt example. The mages questline was supremely short, had a shallow and formulaic plot, an obvious and one-dimensional antagonist, it provided little to no backstory of any of the plot elements, and abruptly ended with a nonsensical and highly implausible outcome. I literally had a mouth-dropping "WTF" moment when the guy announced I am now arch-Mage..... I 100% was just thinking to myself "oh good, this story is now picking up in pace...." when it abruptly just ended like that. I seriously thought defeating Uncano was chapter one.... It instinctively felt like that. That I would have to go meet with the Psijic order, and continue uncovering the mystery of the Eye. That Uncano's interference with the Eye had inadvertently tainted the link to Aetherius, starting a chain of events that could have potentially ended in Nirn losing magicka altogether, leading you to journey to cleanse Magicka... . SOMETHING like that. A story with an actual intriguing plot. After all, at the beginning.... You are warned by the Psijic Order that you have accidentally set of a chain of terrible events, and that a great danger lies ahead. And all that happened to be was some snotty High Elf made a power grab? That was absurdly anti-climatic. And then after this incredibly quick and boring story is finished, this old wizard who has been working at the college for decades, turns to you, a student who has been there for mere days/weeks... And announces you Arch-Mage..... It was just insane. Also, why on earth did the Psijic order wait until AFTER Uncano tried to use the eye before taking it??? They knew he would try, they knew it was dangerous, so why on earth did they sit around twiddling their thumbs for the disaster to occur, and THEN appear announcing they are going to take it???? It's just.... Ugh!
Anyway... I kind of started to rant there, and although I have similar disappointments to most of the other questlines.... I will simply provide my proposal for what Bethesda should do for future TES games....... Use fantasy novel writers!!!! This is already happening a bit with games, it would be great to see a real investment. It would be soooo ludicrously awesome to get the likes of Feist, Pratchett, Sanderson, Rothfuss, etc.... Involved into crafting really fascinating stories within the TES realm. There is so much potential for good story telling in TES, and sadly I have been disappointed with most of what Skyrim is offering.