» Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:55 am
"I hate your guts, I want to feast on your eyeballs and beat you so bad with a rusty spoon that your children will be born bruised!!"
*3 seconds later*
"Have you heard, the chapel in Anvil has been attacked!".
As you said, RP-wise it can be nice to "fill in the gaps", but game play wise it kind of stinked'.
Nowadays though it is as people has stated, hidden.
But I still feel that it's lacking in some instances.. Like when you talk to a guy when you enter Whiterun. He will ask which house you support and judging from his name you quickly choose the smooth path (supporting his house). From that day onward he will always give me compliments and say how highly he values me as a friend and how he won't forget what I have done for him even though all I did was keeping a straight face while getting quizzed.