So we know now it is not from MCA,,, some progress.
Try this.
First, check if there is a reference to
CVdrunk (the 8 digits are the progressive number of the reference id so they are not part of the id) in your save (you can use any tool able to search a text inside a file, e. g.,,, t or even the ugly Windows search).
If there is a reference, it may be from a mod that you removed. I assume you already tried a "repair all" with your save in Mash, so I'd try a Mash remover like this
# [Filetype: Wrye Mash Remover]# ?unknown"CVdrunk" ""
I don't know if it will work with just the id and not the name, but it is easy to try so why not?
You could also search for any file in
data files\*.es?
folder containing CVdrunk text, if you find the mod you can also find the NPC name for the replacer
If you are using FPS Optimizer, try without it and see what happens.
Also, after crashing, open the Morrowind\Warnings.txt file and post the exact error message here, there may be some other detail
[EDIT]Ah, you have found the culprit already! nice