So I recently passed up level 50 and the Ancient Dragons all started appearing, and they all by the way are Bronze (maybe white but I haven't seen one.) and they are NOT easy at all. so for everyone that thought dragons were too wimpy just wait until this one gets it's hands on you lol. it's fun the fights are actually pretty long.
Are elder dragons considered ancient dragons? Anyway its quite easy if you can stagger them continuously with the impact perk. And with people having godlike armor and enchantments i think it'll still be easy for them.
Are elder dragons considered ancient dragons? Anyway its quite easy if you can stagger them continuously with the impact perk. And with people having godlike armor and enchantments i think it'll still be easy for them.
Are elder dragons considered ancient dragons? Anyway its quite easy if you can stagger them continuously with the impact perk. And with people having godlike armor and enchantments i think it'll still be easy for them.
I find that ancient dragons are significantly more difficult than elder dragons. Two dremora lords could take down an elder dragon for me but an ancient dragon eats through them like dragon chow.